The Notebook (2004) [ENG] [DVDrip] (2).txt

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{4160}{4255} - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
{4256}{4312}Excuse me.
{4373}{4448}Come on, honey, let's|get you ready for bed.
{4746}{4796}I am no one special,
{4797}{4868}just a common man|with common thoughts.
{4869}{4923}I've led a common life.
{4924}{4969}There are no monuments|dedicated to me.
{4970}{5044}And my name|will soon be forgotten.
{5045}{5088}But in one respect,
{5089}{5174}I've succeeded as gloriously|as anyone who ever lived.
{5175}{5225}- Looking good, Duke.|- Feeling good.
{5226}{5268}I've loved another|with all my heart
{5269}{5366}and soul and for me|that has always been enough.
{5367}{5400}How's it hanging, Harry?
{5401}{5466}I keep trying to die,|but they won't let me.
{5467}{5515}Well, you can't|have everything.
{5592}{5621}Big day today.
{5622}{5687}You say that every day,|you old devil.
{5720}{5767}It's a lovely day|outside.
{5768}{5821}Let's take a walk.
{5822}{5847}I don't think so.
{5849}{5904}Well, we've got to get|you out of this room.
{5905}{5943}Come on now, honey.|Some fresh air
{5944}{6002}- would do you good.|- Hello.
{6045}{6105}I'm sorry,|it's not a good day.
{6105}{6153}I don't think|she's up for anything.
{6225}{6321}This is Duke,|he's come to read to you.
{6322}{6376}- Read?|- Mm-hmm.
{6406}{6474}No.|I don't know.
{6475}{6572}Oh, come on,|you'll like him, he's very funny.
{6920}{7014}All right now,|where did we leave off?
{7015}{7095}Oh, yeah, yeah,|it was the night of the carnival.
{7096}{7171}"Noah, was there with his friends,|Fin and Sarah."
{7172}{7248}- Noah?|- That's where they met...
{7249}{7299}June 6th, 1940.
{7334}{7380}Allie was|17 years old.
{7393}{7446}- Little man wins a prize.|- Damn!
{7447}{7500}- Thank you for playing.|- Ha, you're real funny.
{7501}{7532}Man, I clobbered|that thing.
{7533}{7580}I'm tellin' you,|these games are fixed.
{7581}{7620}- Hello.|- How are you?
{7621}{7667}Hi, what's your name?
{7668}{7708}Step right up here.
{7709}{7762}Over the hook, yeah.
{7860}{7932}- Who's this girl with Sara?|- Her name's Allie Hamilton.
{7933}{7992}She's here for the summer|with her family.
{7992}{8024}Dad's got more|money than God.
{8024}{8075}- Hi, Fin!|- Hi, honey.
{8076}{8143}Look, I won you a prize.
{8144}{8224}Oh, Fin, thank you!
{8272}{8329}- Oww!|- Yeah.
{8330}{8372}Hey great, huh?
{8373}{8417}Hey Allie, you want|some cotton candy?
{8418}{8467}- Umm, okay.|- That would be so much fun.
{8511}{8573}You only get|one chance, son.
{8574}{8631}- You want to dance with me?|- No.
{8632}{8707}- Why not?|- 'Cause I don't want to.
{8708}{8779}Noah, she's with us.
{8781}{8874}Hey Allie, you want|to ride the Ferris wheel?
{8875}{8911}- I'd love to.|- All right.
{8912}{8951}Excuse me.
{8982}{9019}Excuse me.
{9117}{9187}- Noah Calhoun.|- What?
{9188}{9254}Works down at the lumber yard|with Fin.
{9308}{9379}Did you see he was standing like|two inches away from my face?
{9380}{9431}Yeah, I saw.|That's Noah, though.
{9472}{9509}You know I'm surprised|he even came over.
{9510}{9542}I think he likes you.
{10024}{10065}Hey what... jerk...
{10066}{10147}Get off me.|Don't touch me.
{10148}{10197}- Hey!|- Well, I... ugh!
{10198}{10246}- What are you doing?|- Hey, you can't do that!
{10247}{10288}I'll pay you|when I get down, Tommy.
{10288}{10332}I'm Noah Calhoun.
{10332}{10383}- So?!|- So, it's really nice to meet you.
{10384}{10445}- Allie, who is this guy?|- I don't know, Noah Calhoun.
{10446}{10504}- I would really like to take you out.|- Friend! Do you mind?
{10546}{10616}You can't sit more than two people|in a chair, Noah.
{10616}{10652}Okay, Tommy,|all right.
{10724}{10787}Get down, Noah,|you're gonna kill yourself!
{10788}{10816}Noah, cut it out.
{10817}{10857}Now, will you|go out with me?
{10899}{10945}- No.|- No?
{10946}{10978}- No.|- No?
{10979}{11019}Hey pal,|she just told you.
{11020}{11046}Why not?
{11047}{11095}I don't know,|because I don't want to.
{11121}{11177}What? Well, you leave me|no other choice then.
{11204}{11231}Oh my God.
{11232}{11255}I'm not kidding.
{11256}{11298}- Noah, stop fooling around.|- What are you doing?
{11299}{11356}- Noah, grab the bar.|- I'm gonna ask you one more time.
{11357}{11395}Will you...
{11396}{11462}- or will you not go out with me?|- Noah, you best come on.
{11463}{11532}- God damn, my hand's slipping.|- Then grab the bar, you idiot.
{11533}{11599}- Not until she agrees.|- Ah, go on out with him, honey.
{11600}{11652}- Okay, okay, fine,|I'll go out with you.
{11653}{11684}- What?|- No, don't do me any favors.
{11684}{11716}No, no. I want to.
{11717}{11749}- You want to? You want to?|- Yes!
{11750}{11797}- Say it.|- I want to go out with you.
{11798}{11860}- Say it again.|- I want to go out with you.
{11861}{11917}All right, all right|we'll go out.
{11918}{11984}You think|you're so smart, don't you?
{11985}{12025}That wasn't funny,|Noah, you idiot!
{12026}{12108}No, it's okay,|I'll take care of this.
{12109}{12150}What are you doing?
{12151}{12175}Please don't do that.
{12176}{12212}Please don't do that, Allie.
{12213}{12255}I can't believe...
{12256}{12295}Oh God.
{12339}{12381}You're not so cocky now,|are ya?
{12382}{12427}I'm gonna get you for that.
{12428}{12485}Ah, maybe you will,|maybe you won't.
{12547}{12626}- Did he say anything to you?|- Oh, yeah, will you look at that?
{12627}{12672}It's that girl from the Carnival,|right?
{12735}{12780}Do you remember me?
{12781}{12841}Yeah, sure,|Mr. Underwear, was it?
{12842}{12884}- Well, I...|- How could I forget.
{12884}{12920}Yeah, I wanted to clear|that up with you,
{12921}{12957}because|I'm really sorry about that.
{12958}{12989}It was a really stupid thing|to do...
{12990}{13028}crawl up a Ferris wheel|to talk to somebody.
{13029}{13075}But I had|to be next to you.
{13076}{13127}I was being|drawn to you.
{13200}{13259}Oh... oh, jeez,|what a line!
{13260}{13316}You use that|on all the girls?
{13317}{13359}- No.|- Right.
{13360}{13415}I saw you the other night|with little Miss Ribbons.
{13416}{13455}- What are you doing tonight?|- What?
{13456}{13505}Or tomorrow night,|or this weekend, whatever.
{13506}{13552}- Why?|- Why? Our date.
{13553}{13583}What date?
{13584}{13626}- The date that you agreed to.|- No...
{13627}{13679}Yes, you did.|You promised and you swore it.
{13680}{13723}Well, I guess|I changed my mind.
{13761}{13818}Look, I know you get some dirty guy|coming up to you
{13819}{13855}on the street...|you don't know him.
{13856}{13900}You don't know me,|but I know me.
{13940}{13982}And when I see something|that I like,
{13983}{14039}I gotta ha...|I love it.
{14040}{14089}I go... I mean,|I go crazy for it.
{14090}{14156}Okay, what are you|talking about?
{14157}{14186}Well, you.
{14214}{14255}Oh, you're good.
{14256}{14295}- What?|- You're good.
{14296}{14355}- No. No, you're getting me wrong.|- You're good. You are.
{14356}{14392}- You're fantastic.|- I'm not.
{14393}{14438}You really are.|I'm impressed.
{14439}{14518}- I'm not usually like this, I'm sorry.|- Oh, yes, you are.
{14519}{14569}I can be fun,|if you want...
{14570}{14654}pensive, uh, smart,
{14655}{14720}uh, superstitious,|brave.
{14721}{14792}And uh... I can be light on my feet.
{14792}{14854}I could be|whatever you want.
{14855}{14920}You just tell me what you want|and I'll be that for you.
{14948}{14982}You're dumb.
{15036}{15069}I could be that.
{15139}{15187}Come on, one date.|What's it gonna hurt?
{15188}{15227}Umm...|I don't think so.
{15228}{15272}Well, what I can I do|to change your mind?
{15273}{15320}Guess you'll figure|something out.
{15368}{15427}- You sure she's coming?|- Relax, pal, it's all set up.
{15428}{15464}We're meeting her|for the late show.
{15465}{15509}Look... what did|I tell you? Come on.
{15644}{15727}Oh my goodness,|what a coincidence!
{15728}{15769}I need to talk to you|for a second.
{15770}{15860}- He's here!|- Allie, you remember Noah, don't you?
{15861}{15885}- Yes, I remember.|- Yeah.
{15886}{15932}- Come here.|- Fin!
{15933}{15973}- Hi.|- Hi.
{15974}{16030}- It's nice to see you again.|- You too.
{16031}{16083}- You look great.|- Aw, thanks.
{16084}{16124}Really, really great.
{16125}{16166}You do look great.|You look great.
{16167}{16248}And I know I look great,|so could we please go see this movie?
{16249}{16316}- The show's about to start.|- After you.
{16316}{16379}You come back here,|Li'l Abner.
{16380}{16442}You ain't gonna catch me,|Daisy Mae!
{16443}{16497}It's Sadie Hawkins Day,|I'm supposed to catch you!
{16498}{16539}I'm faster than you.
{16588}{16630}No, No!
{16631}{16683}I'll get you!
{16712}{16758}I'm going get...
{16759}{16794}Here I come!
{16795}{16855}You better run fast!
{17085}{17133}You ketchum Polecat|far and squar.
{17284}{17347}Wait for me.
{17348}{17397}What happened|in that movie?
{17429}{17481}- Here you go.|- Thank you.
{17516}{17567}- What are you guys doing?|- Want to walk with me?
{17568}{17592}Yeah, what's going on?
{17593}{17628}- Yeah.|- We're gonna walk.
{17628}{17688}Do you guys|love each other?
{17689}{17744}Huh?|Oh, I get it.
{17745}{17812}- You guys do love each other.|- Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
{17813}{17839}Okay, good bye.
{17840}{17900}- All right, all right.|- Mmm...
{17998}{18047}That was fun.
{18094}{18152}I haven't seen a movie|in ages.
{18152}{18195}- Really?|- Huh-uh.
{18196}{18263}Not since|I was a little kid.
{18303}{18346}No, I, uh...
{18347}{18409}I'm busy, you know,|I don't have a lot of time.
{18440}{18475}- Yo...
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