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MKSoft DiskSpeed 4.2  Copyright © 1989-92 MKSoft Development
CPU: 68040  AmigaOS Version: 45.57  Normal Video DMA
Device:  Crap-2:    Buffers: 64
Comments: PFS igen igen

No CPU Speed Rating -- CPU % not available.

Testing directory manipulation speed.
File Create:          595 files/sec
File Open:            844 files/sec
Directory Scan:      5804 files/sec
File Delete:          569 files/sec

Seek/Read:           2828 seeks/sec

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      2726400 bytes/sec
Write to file:    3018752 bytes/sec
Read from file:   3449344 bytes/sec

Testing with a 32768 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:     12308480 bytes/sec
Write to file:   17444864 bytes/sec
Read from file:  16928768 bytes/sec

Testing with a 262144 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:     16351232 bytes/sec
Write to file:   27492352 bytes/sec
Read from file:  25886720 bytes/sec

Testing with a 1048576 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:     21364736 bytes/sec
Write to file:   30277632 bytes/sec
Read from file:  28180480 bytes/sec

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_FAST, WORD-aligned buffer.
*** Interrupted by user ***

MKSoft DiskSpeed 4.2  Copyright © 1989-92 MKSoft Development
CPU: 68040  AmigaOS Version: 45.57  Normal Video DMA
Device:  Crap-2-SFS:    Buffers: 80
Comments: SFS igen

CPU Calibration shows that CPU availability tests
would be inaccurate in the current system state.
No CPU Speed Rating -- CPU % not available.

Testing directory manipulation speed.
File Create:          408 files/sec
File Open:            981 files/sec
Directory Scan:      5398 files/sec
File Delete:          375 files/sec

Seek/Read:            791 seeks/sec

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      2154496 bytes/sec
Write to file:    3713024 bytes/sec
Read from file:   4213248 bytes/sec

Testing with a 32768 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      3341606 bytes/sec
Write to file:   17068032 bytes/sec
Read from file:  15396864 bytes/sec

Testing with a 262144 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      1754123 bytes/sec
Write to file:   30900224 bytes/sec
Read from file:  27721728 bytes/sec

Testing with a 1048576 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      4423273 bytes/sec
Write to file:   34340864 bytes/sec
Read from file:  30277632 bytes/sec

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_FAST, WORD-aligned buffer.
*** Interrupted by user ***

MKSoft DiskSpeed 4.2  Copyright © 1989-92 MKSoft Development
CPU: 68040  AmigaOS Version: 45.57  Normal Video DMA
Device:  Crap-2:    Buffers: 64
Comments: pfs-aio_handler-nomaxtransfercap

CPU Calibration shows that CPU availability tests
would be inaccurate in the current system state.
No CPU Speed Rating -- CPU % not available.

Testing directory manipulation speed.
File Create:          459 files/sec
File Open:            858 files/sec
Directory Scan:      7805 files/sec
File Delete:          578 files/sec

Seek/Read:           2975 seeks/sec

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:      2767360 bytes/sec
Write to file:    3064832 bytes/sec
Read from file:   3484160 bytes/sec

Testing with a 32768 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:     12521472 bytes/sec
Write to file:   17637376 bytes/sec
Read from file:  17051648 bytes/sec

Testing with a 262144 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:     16777216 bytes/sec
Write to file:   31326208 bytes/sec
Read from file:  28049408 bytes/sec

Testing with a 1048576 byte, MEMF_FAST, LONG-aligned buffer.
Create file:     27262976 bytes/sec
Write to file:   34471936 bytes/sec
Read from file:  30277632 bytes/sec

Testing with a 4096 byte, MEMF_FAST, WORD-aligned buffer.
*** Interrupted by user ***
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