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Jason Swartz
Learning Scala
Why learn Scala? You don’t need to be a data scientist or distributed
computing expert to appreciate this object-oriented functional programming
language. This practical book provides a comprehensive yet approachable
introduction to the language, complete with syntax diagrams, examples, and
exercises. You’ll start with Scala's core types and syntax before diving into
higher-order functions and immutable data structures.
Author Jason Swartz demonstrates why Scala’s concise and expressive
syntax make it an ideal language for Ruby or Python developers who want
to improve their craft, while its type safety and performance ensures that
it’s stable and fast enough for any application.
Whether you're
experienced in Python
or more familiar with
Java, you'll find this book
a friendly introduction
to Scala. Jason's
writing is practical and
approachable; Learning
Scala provides a clear
beginner's guide by
combining a familiar
object-oriented style with
idiomatic features of the
language. It's the book
I wish I had when I first
Learn about the core data types, literals, values, and variables
Discover how to think and write in expressions, the foundation
for Scala's syntax
Write higher-order functions that accept or return other
Become familiar with immutable data structures and easily
transform them with type-safe and declarative operations
Create custom infix operators to simplify existing operations or
even to start your own domain-specific language
Build classes that compose one or more traits for full
reusability, or create new functionality by mixing them in at
Software Engineer, Comcast, Inc.
—Katherine Fellows
Jason Swartz
is a software developer who adores intuitive user interfaces,
expressive programming languages, and concise user documentation. He also
organizes Scala community events in San Francisco and develops applications for
Netflix’s consumer device program.
Twitter: @oreillymedia
US $39.99
CAN $41.99
ISBN: 978-1-449-36793-0
Learning Scala
Jason Swartz
Learning Scala
by Jason Swartz
Copyright © 2015 Jason Swartz. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472.
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Simon St. Laurent and Meghan Blanchette
Production Editor:
Colleen Lobner
Kim Cofer
Charles Roumeliotis
December 2014:
First Edition
Ellen Troutman
Cover Designer:
Ellie Volckhausen
Interior Designer:
David Futato
Rebecca Demarest
Revision History for the First Edition:
First release
for release details.
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Learning Scala,
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Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as
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the intellectual property rights of others, it is your responsibility to ensure that your use thereof complies
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ISBN: 978-1-449-36793-0
For my loving wife, who foresees great prospects; and for my loving daughter, who also
foresees the first printed copy coming her way.
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