2014 Sidney Dekker-The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error3E.pdf

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The Field Guide To undersTandinG
‘human error’
It’s in the world’s best interest to read Dekker’s book.
The Field Guide
is nothing short
of a paradigm shift in thinking about ‘human error’, and in my domain of software
and Internet engineering, it should be considered required reading. This Third Edition
is much better than the Second, and the layout of the material is far more accessible.
John allspaw, sVP, infrastructure and operations, etsy
If you design equipment or operating procedures, if you investigate accidents or deal
with safety, this is an essential book. Sidney Dekker, a leading world authority on
‘human error’ has enhanced his already exceptional “Field Guide” to be a concise,
readable guide to both design of equipment and procedures and also the analysis
of mishaps. The label ‘human error’ is misleading and its use prevents discovery
and correction of the true underlying causes of incidents. So read about hindsight
bias, about the difference between the view from inside the system rather than from
outside, and about difference between the blunt end (where you should do your
work) and the sharp end (where people tend to focus). Read, learn, and put these
ideas into practice. The results will be fewer incidents, less damage, less injury.
don norman, author of
The Design of Everyday Things
The Third Edition of Sidney Dekker’s
Field Guide to understanding ‘human error’
provides a solid practical framework for anyone wanting to make sense of safety science,
human factors analysis, and the New View approach to conducting investigations of
incidents and accidents. The trademark direct and passionate style that is common
in Dekker’s work focuses on the circumstances of frontline operators and managers
working in complex systems, as well as the challenges of the safety investigator. Dekker
does not mince his words (“Any human factors investigation that does not take goal
conflicts seriously does not take human work seriously”) and is clearly supportive
both of sharp end workers, who are tasked with creating safety in the face of resource
constraints in complex systems, as well as the investigators, charged with making sense
of events that often seem surprising and unpredictable. Several new topics are introduced
and enrich the earlier versions of
The Field Guide—for
instance the chapter on creating
a safety department presents important principles for those with the courage to take on
such a daunting task. This will be an invaluable resource for any organization serious
about understanding and improving the safety of their operations.
dr robert robson, Principal advisor,
healthcare system safety and accountability, inc.
When things go wrong in organisations, one thing is almost always found in the post-
mortem: ‘human error’ (in various guises). But one only needs to scratch the surface
of system failures to understand that things are not so straightforward. What seems
to make sense as a causal catch-all for our everyday slips and blunders snaps when
stretched; it fails to explain the context and complexity of our work and systems.
There is a better way. In this important book, Sidney Dekker conveys a practical
approach for life after ‘human error’. It is both humanistic and systemic; it treats
people holistically and non-judgementally, while considering system conditions
and dynamics in context. If you are prepared to suspend your own preconceptions
and reactions to failure this book will repay you with a practical, highly readable
and deeply humane approach to dealing with failure.
steven shorrock, european safety Culture Program leader, euroConTrol
Comments on the Second edition:
Next time I’m lecturing students, I’ll be recommending
The Field Guide
as required
reading! Well done.
Barry Kirwan, system safety and human error, eurocontrol, France;
Co-editor of
Changing Regulation: Controlling Risks in Society and Human Factors
Impacts in Air Traffic Management
It is accessible, practical, eminently readable and will be of great use to safety
practitioners whatever their background.
Health & Safety at Work,
July 2007
This past year I read your book
The Field Guide to understanding human error
based on a recommendation of a colleague. I must admit it is one of the best
book that I have read on accident prevention and safety. I have been practicing
as a construction safety professional for 17 years and have struggled to accurately
and completely articulate the concepts you so eloquently describe in your book.
Although it draws many examples from an aviation safety standpoint, your book
stands up brilliantly as a framework for understanding human error and accident
prevention in any industry. Subsequently, I am using it as the text for my course
“Safety in the Construction Industry” here at Columbia this fall.
The construction industry is so very stuck in the world of the “Old View.”
Convincing construction management professional that removing bad apples is not
the answer is a tough sell. Your book is making my job quite a bit easier. Thank you.
ray master, Columbia university, usa
I have every executive in the entire Department of Energy reading
The Field Guide
as we speak.
Todd Conklin, los alamos national laboratory
No matter if the reader is an upper level executive in an aerospace company, a
member of an accident investigation team, a safety engineer, or a university student,
Field Guide
is equally as useful. This book presents important ideas for
those who regulate human factors investigation and research, making it an essential
read for the academician, the research analyst, and the government regulator.
International Journal of Applied Aviation Studies,
Vol. 7, no. 2
The Field Guide to
understanding ‘human error’
Third edition
sidney deKKer
Griffith University, Australia
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
© 2014 by Sidney Dekker
CRC Press is an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business
No claim to original U.S. Government works
Printed on acid-free paper
Version Date: 20160513
International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4724-3904-8 (Hardback) 978-1-4724-3905-5 (Paperback)
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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data
Dekker, Sidney.
The field guide to understanding ‘human error’ / by Sidney Dekker. -- Third edition.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4724-3904-8 (hardback) -- ISBN 978-1-4724-3905-5 (pbk.) -- ISBN
978-1-4724-3907-9 (epub)
1. System failures (Engineering) 2. Human engineering. 3. Industrial accidents. I.
TA169.5.D45 2014
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