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Editorial Board
Robert A. Ackerman, PhD, University of Texas at Dallas
Jonathan M. Adler, PhD, Olin College of Engineering
Mathias Allemand, PhD, Universität Zürich
Jack J. Bauer, PhD, University of Dayton
Peter Borkenau, PhD, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Bradley J. Brummel, PhD, University of Tulsa
Amy B. Brunell, PhD, The Ohio State University at Mansfield
Susan T. Charles, PhD, University of California at Irvine
A. Timothy Church, PhD, Washington State University
C. Randall Colvin, PhD, Northeastern University
Anthony D. Hermann, PhD, Bradley University
Jan Hofer, PhD, Universität Osnabrück
Christopher J. Holden, PhD, Appalachian State University
Chris J. Jackson, PhD, University of New South Wales Sydney
John A. Johnson, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
Kevin Lanning, PhD, Florida Atlantic University
Christopher T. Leone, PhD, University of North Florida
Shanhong Luo, PhD, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Charlotte N. Markey, PhD, Rutgers University
Matthew J. W. McLarnon, PhD, Oakland University
Kate C. McLean, PhD, Western Washington University
Fred L. Oswald, PhD, Rice University
Peter J. Rentfrow, PhD, University of Cambridge
Willibald Ruch, PhD, Universität Zürich
William G. Shadel, PhD, RAND Corporation
Jefferson A. Singer, PhD, Connecticut College
Ashton C. Southard, PhD, Oakland University
Steven J. Stanton, PhD, Oakland University
Howard Tennen, PhD, University of Connecticut Health Center
Todd M. Thrash, PhD, College of William and Mary
Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford, PhD, Oakland University
Dustin Wood, PhD, Wake Forest University
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Editorial Assistant: Umeeka Raichura
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Copyeditor: Sunrise Setting
Proofreader: Sunrise Setting
Indexer: Sunrise Setting
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Cover Design: Wendy Scott
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Printed in the UK
Chapter 1 © Michael P.
Hengartner, Johannes
Zimmermann and Aidan G. C.
Wright 2018
Chapter 2 © Daniel N. Klein,
Megan C. Finsaas, Brandon
L. Goldstein, Ellen M. Kessel,
Daniel C. Kopala-Sibley and
Roman Kotov 2018
Chapter 3 © Kim L. Gratz, Laura
J. Dixon, Elizabeth J. Kiel and
Matthew T. Tull 2018
Chapter 4 © Dusica Lecic-
Tosevski, Olivera Vukovic,
Bojana Pejuskovic and Nadja P.
Maric 2018
Chapter 5 © Rick H. Hoyle and
Erin K. Davisson 2018
Chapter 6 © Natalie J. Shook,
Benjamin Oosterhoff, John A.
Terrizzi and Russ Clay 2018
Chapter 7 © Joshua M. Tybur
and Annika K. Karinen 2018
Chapter 8 © Wayne A.
Warburton and Craig A.
Anderson 2018
Chapter 9 © William G.
Graziano and Renée
M. Tobin 2018
Chapter 10 © Patricia H. Hawley
and Andrew R. Bower 2018
Chapter 11 © Tera D. Letzring
and David C. Funder 2018
Chapter 12 © Wilhelm Hofmann
and Lotte van Dillen 2018
Chapter 13 © David D. Vachon,
Donald R. Lynam, Joshua D.
Miller and Robert F. Krueger 2018
Chapter 14 © Aleksandra
Cichocka and Kristof Dhont
Chapter 15 © Benjamin
Beit-Hallahmi 2018
Chapter 16 © Sander Thomaes,
Eddie Brummelman and
Constantine Sedikides 2018
Chapter 17 © Astrid Schütz and
Selda Koydemir 2018
Chapter 18 © Jens Lange, Lisa
Blatz and Jan Crusius 2018
Chapter 19 © Julie Aitken
Schermer 2018
Chapter 20 © Ioannis Nikolaou
and Konstantina Foti 2018
Chapter 21 © Kim-Yin Chan
and Jeffrey C. Kennedy 2018
Chapter 22 © Seth M. Spain
and P. D. Harms 2018
Chapter 23 © Adrian
Furnham 2018
Chapter 24 © Bruno
S. Frey 2018
Chapter 25 © Elliott C. Larson,
Kenneth P. Yusko, Charles
A. Scherbaum, Harold
W. Goldstein, Juliet R. Aiken and
Lorren O. Oliver 2018
Chapter 26 © Kostas A.
Papageorgiou, Julian Mutz, Ying
Lin and Peter J. Clough 2018
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2017955554
British Library Cataloguing in Publication data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-5264-4519-3
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