Daily Dishonesty - Lauren Hom.pdf

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Editor: Samantha Weiner
Designer: Danielle Young
Production Manager: Anet Sirna-Bruder
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014930734
ISBN: 978-1-4197-1403-0
Copyright © 2014 by Lauren Hom
Published in 2014 by Abrams Image, an imprint of ABRAMS. All rights reserved. No portion
of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
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October 9th, 2012 was a typical Tuesday night in my cozy East
Village apartment: two bottles of wine (white for me, red for my
roommate, Sophie), an assortment of cheeses, and two friends
huddled around the kitchen table. Sophie and I were both
beginning of our senior year at the School of Visual Arts, and
between sips (and occasional gulps) of wine, our conversation
turned—as it so often did—to the busy year ahead of us. Of
course we talked about school, but we also talked about all the
things we wanted to do in our spare time. “I’m going to brew
my own beer,” she said. “I want to go to yoga every day and
learn how to make croissants,” I replied, getting into the spirit
of things. Suddenly, we looked at each other and burst out
laughing. We realized we were both lying—neither of us actually
had any free time! We were only one month into the school
year, and we were already drowning in homework and design
projects. These were just tiny, silly dreams that helped distract
us and get us through the busy mazes of our lives.
As we giggled some more and polished off the cheese,
I felt a lightbulb go off in my head. That night, I wrote down a
dozen other small lies I regularly told myself, and then I started
drawing. The next day, Daily Dishonesty was born.
As you read through this little book of lies, I hope that
you’re as guilty as we were, and that you can share a laugh
about life’s small (and sometimes large) trials and tribulations!
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