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Improved Archer Kit

Version:    2.4
Author:     Argent77



The original Archer kit does not scale very well with progressing levels. While the kit is very strong in the early 
parts of the game, it becomes less useful compared to the other ranger kits later on.
This mod attempts to improve the kit by giving the Archer a couple more features to make the kit interesting even 
against very powerful enemies.


This is a WeiDU mod, that means it is very easy to install. Simply unpack "A7#ImprovedArcher-v1.7z" into your game 
directory and run either "setup-A7#ImprovedArcher.exe" (on Windows) or "setup-A7#ImprovedArcher" (on Mac OS X). 
Follow the instructions and you are ready to start. It is strongly recommended to start a new game to enjoy all the 
benefits of the improved Archer kit.


The mod includes two components:
1. Improved Archer Kit (supports BG2:ToB, BGT, BG:EE, BG:SoD, BG2:EE and IWD:EE)
- Installs the Archer kit

2. Add +4 arrows, bolts and two powerful bows to the game (supports BG2:ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and IWD:EE)
- Adds +4 arrows and bolts to a number of stores and creatures in the ToB part of the game as well as to Watcher's Keep.
BG2, BGT and BG2EE:
  - Adds a powerful longbow somewhere to the third level of Watcher's Keep
  - Adds an even more powerful composite longbow to the outdoor area of Sendai's Enclave
IWDEE only:
  - Adds two powerful bows and a few +4 arrows and bolts to Conlan's shop in Kuldahar after reaching Chapter 4

Each component can be installed independently.

Kit Description

ARCHER: The Archer is the epitome of skill with the bow-the ultimate marksman, able to make almost any shot, no matter 
how difficult. To become so skilled with the bow, the Archer has had to sacrifice some of his proficiency with melee 
weapons and armor.

- +1 to hit and damage rolls with any missile weapon every 3 levels.
- +1 to AC vs. missile weapons every 6 levels.
- May achieve Grandmastery (5 slots) in longbows, shortbows, and crossbows.
- May use Rooting Shot ability once per day every 4 levels. Can not be used together with other shot abilities.
- May use Power Shot ability once per day every 4 levels, starting at level 8. Can not be used together with other 
  shot abilities.
- May use Explosive Shot ability once per day every 4 levels, starting at level 8. Can not be used together with other 
  shot abilities.
- May use Create Blessed Ammunition ability once per day every 4 levels.

ROOTING SHOT: All successful ranged attacks within the next 12 seconds will entangle the target, according to the 
              level of the Archer:
 4th level: Target is entangled for three rounds if failed save vs. Spell.
 8th level: Target is entangled for three rounds if failed save vs. Spell at -1 penalty.
 12th level: Target is entangled for four rounds if failed save vs. Spell at -1 penalty.
 16th level: Target is entangled for four rounds if failed save vs. Spell at -2 penalty.
 20th level: Target is entangled for five rounds if failed save vs. Spell at -2 penalty.

POWER SHOT: All successful ranged attacks within the next 12 seconds have a chance to knock back the target, according 
            to the level of the Archer:
 8th level: Knock back target if failed save vs. Breath.
 12th level: Knock back target if failed save vs. Breath at -1 penalty.
 16th level: Knock back target if failed save vs. Breath at -2 penalty.
 20th level: Knock back target if failed save vs. Breath at -3 penalty.

EXPLOSIVE SHOT: All successful ranged attacks within the next 12 seconds will explode on impact and cause physical 
                damage to nearby targets in 15' range, according to the level of the Archer:
 8th level: 1d4 damage to nearby targets
 12th level: 1d4+2 damage to nearby targets
 16th level: 1d4+4 damage to nearby targets
 20th level: 1d4+6 damage to nearby targets
Caution: Damages enemies, allies and innocent bystanders alike.

CREATE BLESSED AMMUNITION: Create a spiritual arrow or bolt blessed by the Archer's worshipped god or goddess for 
                           8 hours containing a score of charges.
 4th level: +1 enchantment, +1 to hit and damage rolls, additional 1d6 damage and slow for two rounds to undead if 
            failed save vs. Death.
 8th level: +1 enchantment, +2 to hit and damage rolls, additional 1d6+2 damage and hold for two rounds to undead if 
            failed save vs. Death.
 12th level: +2 enchantment, +2 to hit and damage rolls, additional 1d6+4 damage and instant death to undead if 
             failed save vs. Death.
 16th level: +3 enchantment, +3 to hit and damage rolls, additional 1d6+6 damage and instant death to undead if 
             failed save vs. Death at -2 penalty.
 20th level: +4 enchantment, +4 to hit and damage rolls, additional 1d6+8 damage and instant death to undead if 
             failed save vs. Death at -4 penalty.

SURE SHOT (HLA): High-level Archers have gained perfect control over their ranged weapon of choice which allows them 
                 to point out and target vital areas of the opponent with frightening precision and speed. By enabling 
                 this ability, the Archer takes up his stance and shoots missiles in rapid succession. 
                 For the next 12 seconds this ability sets one's number of attacks per round to 10 and every shot is 
                 considered a critical hit. Since this technique requires utmost skill and concentration, the Archer 
                 is rooted to the spot for the next two rounds. It can not be used together with other shot abilities.

SET MISSILE TRAP (HLA): This ability allows the Archer to set a single powerful spring-loaded missile trap in the 
                        chosen location when no hostile creatures are in sight. It does 3d10 missile damage and 
                        each 1d10 damage of various elemental types to the unsuspecting creature that sets it off.

- -1 CON penalty.
- May not wear any metal armor.
- May only become Proficient (one slot) with melee weapons.

Longbow Descriptions

Great Sun-Reacher +3:
The elves of Evereska are known for their isolationism as much as their skill and bravery in battle.  One of their most 
well known warriors in human lands was the incredibly accurate archer Bariah Goldendown.  Though the elves will neither 
confirm nor deny the legend, some human tales state that keen-eyed Bariah never missed a target in battle.  His bow, 
crafted by his mother, was never given a name that was known outside of the family.  The humans that suffered under its 
power called it "Great Sun-Reacher," believing that Bariah's arrows could reach into the heavens themselves.  In a 
battle that many Evereskans are bitter about to this day, Bariah's griffon mount was killed in the sky by the spells 
of invisible wizards that ambushed an elven patrol.  Though only one mage escaped with his life, he did manage to take 
Great Sun-Reacher with him.


Charge abilities:
- Protection From Normal Missiles twice per day

Combat abilities:
- When no arrows are equipped, the bow fires +3 arrows that receive +4 to hit and deal 1d6 missile damage

THAC0: +4
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Long Bow
Type:  2-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

The Defender +5:
Composite longbows are bows whose staves are made from more than one type of material. This gives greater flexibility 
and makes arrows fired from this bow deliver more damage.
In addition to powerful enchantments, the materials used for this particular bow are of especially exquisite quality. 
The bow's exceptionally durable frame can be used to deflect even the strongest blows and the ergonomic design allows 
the user to shoot missiles in rapid succession.


Equipped abilities:
- +4 AC bonus against melee weapons
- 3 shots per round

THAC0: +6
Damage: +2 (missile)
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Long Bow
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 18 Strength
Not Usable By:


Writing, coding and testing: Argent77

French translation: Gwendolyne
Italian translation: Aedan
Polish translation: Cahir
Russian translation: Saigon1983

Copyright Notice

The mod "Improved Archer Kit" is licensed under the "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License" 


2.4 (2017-10-25)
  - Fixed a bug that may cause installation error in BG2:EE

2.3 (2017-08-25)
  - Added French translation (Thanks Gwendolyne)
  - Fixed THAC0 bonus of bow 'The Defender +5'
  - Excluded shamans from unusability list of arrows
  - Added 'Monk' to unusability list of bows
  - Fixed incorrect record screen class description in EET

2.2 (2016-08-30)
  - Added Siege of Dragonspear support
  - Improved compatibility with Enhanced Edition patches v2.x
  - Added custom portrait icons for shot abilities in Enhanced Edition patches v2.x
  - Added Italian translation (Thanks Aedan)
  - Added Polish translation (Thanks Cahir)

2.1 (2015-03-29)
  - Changed location of a longbow from 1...
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