Music projects for Arduino Learn by doing Learn to make - and modify - a music box, a drum machine, a Theremin, a sequencer, a synth and more-Rodrigo S.A.(2020).pdf

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During my childhood everything used to be
departmentalized. You could be either a musician or a nerd,
but those two worlds or departments didn’t touch in any
point. So, there was a crossroad. So I’ve passed some years
creating circuits, soldering and programming and then for
the next 10 years I’ve forgotten all that and I’ve started to
play the electric guitar in a band. It took me some time to
realize something pretty obvious: all the interest you have,
well balanced sum and on the other side, music is also a
technology with the right perspective applied.
Since that revelation I’ve been a nerd in music and a
musician in electronics, opening huge possibilities that
seemed to be closed and connecting with a community of
people that also choosed for increasing instead of
decreasing, and that were able to appreciate a chiptune
song or a preamp cretaed with old TV valves.
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