Cars data needed for BMW EDIABAS software (INPA, NCS-Expert, WinKFP). - Those files contain EEPROM flash images, diagnostic communication and coding settings for specific models. - Since those files are very large it's possible to download and install data packages required only for specific model and groups. ALL MODELS : E36 E38 E39 E46 E52 E53 E60 (E61, E63, E64) E65 (E66, E67, E68) E70 (E71, E72) E83 E85 (E86) E89 (E81, E82, E84, E87, E88, E90, E91, E92, E93) F001 F010 F020 F025 R50 (R52, R53) R56 (R55, R57, R60) RR1 (RR1, RR2, RR3)