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Key Is In The Air:
Hacking Remote Keyless Entry Systems
Omar Adel Ibrahim
, Ahmed Mohamed Hussain
Gabriele Oligeri
, and Roberto Di Pietro
College of Science and Engineering,
Hamad Bin Khalifa University,
Doha - Qatar
Electrical Engineering Department,
Qatar University,
Doha - Qatar
A Remote Keyless Systems (RKS) is an electronic lock that
controls access to a building or a vehicle without using a traditional
mechanical key. Although RKS have become more and more robust over
time, in this paper we show that specifically designed attack strategies
are still effective against them. In particular, we show how RKS can be
exploited to efficiently hijack cars’ locks.
Our new attack strategy—inspired to a previously introduced strategy
requires a jammer and a signal logger.
We prove the effectiveness of our attack against six different car models.
The attack is successful in all of the tested cases, and for a wide range
of system parameters. We further compare our solution against state
of the art attacks, showing that the discovered vulnerabilities enhance
over past attacks, and conclude that RKS solutions cannot be considered
secure—hence calling for further research on the topic.
Remote Keyless Systems (RKS) are a critical component of modern car security.
Such systems allow the user to lock/unlock the car without resorting to any
mechanical key but only by clicking a button on the car’s fob or even by getting
close to the car itself. RKS mainly implements a request-response protocol be-
tween the fob and the car’s radio transceiver with minimal security protection [3].
During the years, several security flaws have been identified and RKS evolved
mitigating such attacks. An interesting example is the so-called
rolling codes
that prevent an eavesdropper to reuse a code sequence from the past. At each
transmission, a new code is generated invalidating the old one by resorting to
hash function computations. Unfortunately, rolling codes do not protect against
proxy attacks
attacks [11]. The first class of attacks
involve to proxy the code sequence from a further distance to the car without the
user consent. This is a classical attack that is played as follows: a user, leaving
the fob unattended, allows an adversary to activate the fob (without stealing
it, just pressing the button) and to proxy the fob emitted code sequence to the
car leveraging another radio technology such as WiFi, Bluetooth or GSM. Proxy
attacks can be mitigated using distance bounding and proximity solutions [12].
Nevertheless, jam-listen-replay attacks are still an open issue due to the difficulty
of mitigating jamming attacks. Indeed, the adversary prevents the reception of
the code sequence by jamming the car radio transceiver, and at the same time,
he logs it for the future hijacking of the car.
This paper pushes further the analysis of the jam-listen-replay
attack proposed in [11]. We propose an improved attack scenario by exploit-
ing cheap hardware and commonly available Linux tools. We show the results
of a real measurement campaign highlighting the effectiveness of the proposed
attacks and comparing it against the ones introduced by [11]. We observe how,
given the current state of the art, these types of attacks cannot be solved without
resorting to novel authentication mechanisms, hence justifying further research
efforts by both industry an academia on this topic.
Next section reviews RKS security state of the art. Section 3 details
the attack scenario; Section 4 introduces the adopted equipment and its con-
figuration, while Section 5 reports on our measurement campaign and discuss
the differences of our attack with respect to the state-of-the-art. Finally, some
concluding remarks are presented in Section 6.
Related work
A major family of attacks exploits jamming and two subsequent phases: prevent-
ing the delivery of the message to the car (by jamming) and recording the trans-
mitted message for the subsequent re-transmission. An early contribution has
been provided by [11]. Authors firstly propose an efficient brute-force technique
for hacking garage doors remote controllers. Secondly, they introduce RollJam, a
combined jamming and radio-recording technique enabling the adversary to hack
the communications between the car and its associated fob. RollJam involves
very cheap devices such as Teensy 3.1 and two CC1101 transceivers. RollJam
works by preventing one or more messages to be delivered to the car from the
fob while recording them. Eventually, RollJam allows the user to get in the car
but a sequence of valid messages have been stolen and they can be reused later
on for opening the car.
Authors in [5], and subsequently in [4], revised the jamming-based attack
considering pulse electromagnetic interference despite of continuous interference.
They analyzed the effects of pulsed interference on envelope detectors through
both simulations and measurements. They also suggested an improved receiver
design based on synchronous transmitter-receiver communications, which turn
out to be more robust against pulsed interference.
Authors in [10] demonstrated the relay attack on Passive Key-less Entry Sys-
tems (PKES) used in modern cars. They set up two low-cost and powerful attack
scenarios, using wireless and wired physical layer relays enabling the adversary
to open the car and start the engine by relaying the messages between the key
and the car.
A general overview describing several techniques of potential attacks against
passive entry systems is introduced in [3]. Authors proposed a solution to protect
the vehicle from such attacks by exploiting the difference in power levels of the
received bits.
Our attack scenario involves three entities: the
the car’s owner (user ) and
who wants to steal the user’s car. The adversary implements his
strategy in 3 subsequent steps as depicted in Fig. 1: (i)
jamming and
and (iii)
Fig. 1.
The attack is performed in a sequence of 3 steps: (a) Jammer set-up and acti-
vation, (b) Jamming the communication between the user and the car and forcing the
user to use the mechanical key, and finally (c) when the user leaves the car unattended,
the adversary hijacks the car.
This is a preliminary phase that is performed by the adversary
when the car is left unattended by the user. Indeed, the adversary has to install
a jammer on the car. As it will be clear in the following, the jammer is a very
portable device mainly constituted by a Raspberry Pi v3 (RPiv3) connected to
a HackRF One, a very cheap and ready to be deployed Software Defined Radio
(SDR). The overall equipment can be hidden in several places outside of the car,
e.g., by using a magnet under the car platform.
Jamming and recording.
The equipment should be activated after its in-
stallation and it will prevent the communication between the fob and the car by
jamming a specific frequency. Since the user will not be able to open the car by
using the fob, after several attempts, he will resort to the mechanical key. Con-
versely, the adversary will record one or more code sequences transmitted by the
fob (and never received by the car) by eavesdropping the fob-car communication
The car’s owner will eventually drive the car away and close it
still using the mechanical key. We recall that a jammer is installed on the car
preventing the fob to control the lock mechanism of the car. Subsequently, the
adversary will perform his attack by replaying one of the previously recorded
code sequences, and allow him to hijack the car.
The only unknown parameter to the previous procedure is the communication
frequency adopted by the car brand. The adversary can easily discriminate it
by running a discovering session sensing fractions of the radio spectrum. Our
experiments show that the majority of the cars we used adopts a frequency
band close to 433MHz.
Equipment: Hardware, Software and Set-up
Our system consists of 2 components: the
and the code sequence
We implemented a mobile jammer by connecting a Raspberry Pi v3 to a HackRF
One and a power bank as depicted in Fig.2.
HackRF One:
HackRF One is an open source, half-duplex Software Defined
Radio device developed by Great Scott Gadgets and has the capability to receive
or transmit radio signals starting from 1 MHz to 6 GHz.
ANT500 Antenna:
ANT500 is a general purpose, telescopic antenna de-
veloped by Great Scott Gadgets and is designed to operate in the range from 75
MHz up to 1 GHz. Its length is configurable starting from 20 cm up to 88 cm.
Raspberry Pi v3:
We installed GNU Radio on the RPiv3 and exploited
the Python SDK to control the Hack RF One. The result is a script to transmit
white Gaussian noise on a target frequency.
We adopted a generic power bank of 5000mA guaranteeing a
long lasting life to our system (about half a day).
Fig. 2.
The Jammer: An RPiv3 controls the HackRF One transmitting white Gaussian
noise at the frequency of 434MHz. The power bank guarantees half a day of jamming
Finally, we exploited the embedded WiFi in the RPiv3 to access it through
SSH, changing the various jamming parameters and switching it on and off. We
observe that the jamming frequency (433MHz) is far away from that one used by
the WiFi (2.4GHz), and therefore, the jammer can be remotely controlled. We
set all the gains for the HackRF One platform to 40dB, i.e., radio band (RF),
intermediate band (IF) and base band (BB) gain. Finally, we set the sampling
rate (sps) to 2M as an empirical trade-off to jam the fob-car communication
without disturbing any other communications in the neighborhood.
The logger is mainly constituted by a mobile platform able to log the code
sequence transmitted by the fob to the car. We adopted the following set-up:
We configured a laptop with a Linux Ubuntu distribution and GNU
Radio Companion.
HackRF One and ANT500 Antenna:
A HackRF One has been connected to
the above laptop to record all the code signals transmitted in the neighborhood.
Figure 3 resumes our logger setup and the main connections.
Fig. 3.
The Logger: a laptop equipped with Ubuntu and GNURadio Companion is
used to receive and log the code sequence transmitted by the fob.
We considered the following configuration for the SDR: frequency 434MHz,
sampling rate 2M (sps), RF Gain 10dB, IF Gain 20 dB, and BB Gain 20 dB. We
observe that the gains figures adopted by the logger are significantly different
from that one used by the jammer. Indeed, the logger has to mitigate the noise
power from the jammer in order to decode the code sequence transmitted by
the fob. The above values are the result of several trials and they take also into
account the relative distances between the jammer, the fob and the logger.
Measurement results
We performed several measurements in the parking of our university (College of
Science and Engineering - Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar) during
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