
(3 KB) Pobierz
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  Title ................. Quake Qollection 2017
  Release by ............ DEVILSEYE
  Date .................. October 14th, 2017 - 10/14/207
  Operating System ...... Windows
  Required disk space ... 5.8 GB  

  Thank you for showing interest in Quake Qollection 2017. This is the first compilation of
  Quake (1996) that includes the official mission packs, and famous add-ons that are
  worth playing after going through the main game.
  This collection uses the DarkPlaces engine for modern graphics, and QuakeSpasm if you want
  to play the game with vanilla graphics.
  The original CD music is also played while playing Quake!
  Content overview:
  Quake (Main game)
  Mission Pack No. 1: Scourge of Armagon ........ (First official expansion)
  Mission Pack No. 2: Dissolution of Eternity ... (Second official expansion)
  Dimension of the Past ......................... (Third official mission pack)
  Abyss of Pandemonium .......................... (Unoffical expansion)
  Arcane Dimensions ............................. (Add-on)
  Beyond Belief ................................. (Add-on)
  Travail ....................................... (Add-on)
  Zerst?rer ..................................... (Add-on)
  Soul of Evil .................................. (Add-on)
  Soul of Evil 2 ................................ (Add-on)
  The Myths ..................................... (Add-on)
  Most of the titles use autoexec.cfg files for configuration overrides.
  If you wish to change settings, please look into these first. You can open .cfg files
  with any text editor, including Notepad.
  If you like the game, buy it!


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