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This patch file for Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny updates
versions 1.06 to version 1.30.

To install the patch file, simply copy the PATCH.EXE and PATCH.RTP files 
to the directory that you installed Lands of Lore:G to (this is usually 
the C:\WESTWOOD\LOLG directory).  After the files are copied, simply 
type PATCH to begin the update process.

Note: This patch will NOT invalidate previous saved games. 



1. 3D Hardware Support

	1.1. DOS

	1.2. Windows Direct3D

		1.2.1. Recommended System Specifications
		1.2.2. Supported Hardware

2. New Options

	2.1. Variable Frame Rate (On/Off)

	2.2. Hardware Acceleration

		2.2.1.  Acceleration (On/Off)
		2.2.2.  Accelerator Card (Primary/Secondary)
		2.2.3.  Bilinear Filtering (On/Off)
		2.2.4.  Use 4444 Color (On/Off)
		2.2.5.  Switch Movie Display (On/Off)
		2.2.6.  Switch Automap Display (On/Off)

	2.3.  Video Controls

		2.3.1.  Texture Resolution (High/Low)
		2.3.2.  Texture Cache (Large/Small)

3. Hardware Acceleration Troubleshooting

	3.1. DOS

	3.2. Windows Direct3D

		3.2.1. Slow Performance  
		3.2.2. Supported Hardware Does Not Work

4. New Gameplay Features

5. Bug Fixes - Warning Spoilers


1. 3D Hardware Support

	1.1. DOS

	The DOS version of LOL:G supports 3D acceleration cards which have
	the 3Dfx chipset. Check the manual that came with your acceleration
	card to see if it has the 3Dfx logo. 

	If you have a 3Dfx card and you do not see the 3Dfx logo come up at 
	the start of the game make sure that the acceleration option has 
	been enabled in the hardware acceleration controls.

	1.2. Windows Direct3D

		1.2.1. Recommended System Specifications

		24 Megs of RAM are recommended when using Windows Direct3D 
		with Hardware Acceleration enabled.

		1.2.2. Supported Hardware

		Below is a list of hardware cards that are supported by this

		Video Cards: Diamond Monster 3D, Diamond Viper V330, Orchid 
		Righteous 3D, ATI 3D Xpresssion+, Hercules Stingray 128/3D,
		and the Matrox Graphics Mystique (4MB version.) 

		Chipsets: 3Dfx Voodoo, NVidia Riva 128, ATI 3D Rage II,
		Rendition Verite 2200, Rendition Verite 1000-E, and the
		Matrox MGA-1064SG.

		If you do not see your card in the list and it does support 
		Direct3D, we still allow you to turn on hardware acceleration. 
		In this instance, you will have to choose whether you feel the 
		experience is of good enough quality or you may decide to 
		switch hardware acceleration off and play using the software
		3D engine.


2. New Options

	2.1. Variable Frame Rate (On/Off)

	Disable this control to keep the frame rate as consistent as possible.

	2.2. Hardware Acceleration

		2.2.1. Acceleration (On/Off)

		This switches between hardware-accelerated rendering and 
		software rendering. Hardware-accelerated rendering is enabled
		if this option is selected.

		2.2.2. Accelerator Card (Primary/Secondary)

		This option is for those people who have two accelerator
		cards.  This allows you to switch between them.

		Note: Since PowerVR based cards step in to replace the
		functionality of your primary card, this option does not
		allow you to switch between the two. This can only be done
		through the "Display" control panel.

		2.2.3. Bilinear Filtering (On/Off)

		Filtering will blend colors to give a less 'pixelated' look.
		Most 3D cards will support this feature.

		2.2.4. Use 4444 Color (On/Off)

		This option is NOT RECOMMENDED unless your card requires it. 
		It allows the card to select a sixteen bit color format that
		many cards support, but very few require. If you run the
		game with it off ("No") and you notice graphics that have
		black filled squares around them, try switching this option
		to Yes".

		2.2.5. Switch Movie Display (On/Off)

		When turned on ("Yes"), the game will cause your monitor to
		do a mode switch whenever it goes to play a movie or switch
		to the option screens.  This option will switch your monitor
		for faster movie playback.

		2.2.6. Switch Automap Display (On/Off)

		When turned on ("Yes"), the game will cause your monitor to
		do a mode switch whenever it goes to the Automap. If the
		Automap runs too slow on your card, switching this option on
		should improve the speed. The down side is that mode switches
		cause everything to pause for a moment while the monitor is
		switching modes. This option is also NOT RECOMMENDED unless
		the Automap is running too slow.

	2.3. Video Controls

		2.3.1. Texture Resolution (High/Low)

		If the game is running sluggish and this is set to "High", try 
		setting it to "Low". This will not affect movies, monsters, or 
		items, but will reduce the resolution of the textures used for 
		floors, walls, bushes and trees. The speed increase may be
		worth the small loss in resolution.

		2.3.2. Texture Cache (Large/Small)

		If you have more than 16 MB of memory, this should be set to 
		"Large". This sets how much memory is used for the texture
		cache while the game is playing. If you have 16 or less MB of
		memory, set this to "Small" and "Texture Resolution" to "Low".


3. Hardware Acceleration Troubleshooting

	3.1. DOS

	An out of date or incorrectly installed 3Dfx driver is the most likely 
	reason that your 3Dfx card fails to work properly.  Contact the 
	manufacturer or visit the 3Dfx web site at for driver

	3.2. Windows Direct3D

		3.2.1. Slow Performance  

		If the hardware accelerator is one that is listed as being
		supported is slower than the software version, check to make
		sure that Texture Resolution is set to LOW and the Texture
		Cache is set to LARGE.  Both options are described in
		section 2.3.

		3.2.2. Supported Hardware Does Not Work

		We have tested the Direct3D versions of LOL:G using the 
		most recent drivers available.  If your hardware accelerator
		is listed as being supported and is not working, please
		contact the manufacturer for latest drivers. 


4. New Gameplay Features

	4.1. The ability to go into mouse look mode without already being in
	mouse movement mode has been implemented in this version of the

	4.2. The ability to push / pull objects while in mouse movement mode
	has been implemented in this version of the patch.


5. Bug Fixes - Warning Spoilers

	5.1. Using more than one aloe and poison paint in the Huline Temple
	altar will not lock out the lightning strike on the Huline corpse.

	5.2. The barrel in the Dracoid Cementary can now be pushed over and
	rolled down to the lower room in all circumstances.


If you are having trouble loading or playing Lands of Lore: Guardians of
Destiny, please let us know! Write internet e-mail to us at with a full description of your problem. Do not forget
to include your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, as well as your machine
hardware configuration. We will try to get back to you within 24 hours.

If it becomes necessary to update your game, you can find game updates on our
web page at or at our FTP site (

Westwood Studios
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