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CoinGecko Yearly Report
for 2019
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Table of Contents
Founders’ Note
Market Dynamics
Market Overview
Bitcoin vs. Gold/Silver
Market Dominance
Top-5 Coin Returns
Bitcoin Overview
Top-30 New Entrants
2020 and Onwards
Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Predictions: What should we expect?
Featuring thought leaders from various sectors of the
crypto space. Hear it from those who BUIDL tirelessly!
Ethereum 2.0
Why Eth 2.0 and a TLDR
Proof of Stake explained
Decentralized Finance
Why DeFi matters
Overall Growth Stats (ETH, LN)
More on Bitcoin
The Numbers that Defined the Bitcoin Decade
Stacking Satoshis (Sats)
Exchanges & Stablecoins
Crypto Exchanges - Spots & Derivatives
Stablecoins - Dominance & Pegging
Market Overview on:
dApps by
Masternodes by
2020 Key Events
NFTs by
Bobby Ong
Sze Jin
Kristian Kho
Daryl Lau
Darren Lau
Shu Min
Founders’ Notes
What a year 2019 was for the cryptocurrency industry! The year saw Bitcoin reaching its 10-year milestone and starting to gain attention from politicians.
Blockchain was front and center during a U.S. Senate hearing in July and was also endorsed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in October.
BigTech companies, led by Facebook, are getting more involved with blockchain technology. Facebook announced that it was launching a cryptocurrency called
Libra. Central banks worldwide are also actively thinking about how blockchain technology can improve the current monetary system. China’s Central Bank has the
most advanced plans, in the form of its Central Bank Digital Currency. The 2020s certainly promise to provide a lot of excitement as we redefine the concept of
money in our economy.
The year 2019 was a great one for Bitcoin, which saw a 95% gain in value, from $3,693 to $7,195. Bitcoin’s gains far outpace those of the other top 5
cryptocurrencies. There was a flight towards Bitcoin, solidifying its position as the reserve currency for the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin saw its market
dominance increase from 56.3% to 71.5% amongst the top 30 cryptocurrencies.
Additionally, in 2019, crypto derivatives went mainstream. Many new and existing exchanges launched
derivative products - a trend that we expect will continue in 2020. In 2019, we at CoinGecko started tracking
crypto derivatives products
such as perpetual swaps and futures. By the end of the year, we had tracked 25
crypto derivatives exchanges. The year 2019 also saw us launching
Trust Score,
a better method of sorting
exchanges on CoinGecko, developed in response to the fact that many exchanges report fake volumes.
The Decentralized Finance (DeFi) space also saw many developments and we are very excited to see all the
new DeFi apps that are launching. We expect DeFi to continue growing in 2020 but believe that caution
should be exercised regarding smart contract risks.
We are very excited about what the 2020s will bring. We believe that this decade will see the blockchain
industry mature and that more blockchain products will gain mainstream adoption. We at CoinGecko will
continue to BUIDL and improve our offerings to better serve all of you. Have a happy decade ahead and we
wish you success in all your endeavors!
Bobby Ong
TM Lee
Macro Outlook of Crypto Industry
Market Dynamics
Market Dynamics
2019 Market Overview
Total Mkt Cap increase in 2019
Cryptocurrency Market Capitalization & Trading Volume through 2019
Market Cap & Trading Volume
were both on an upward trend
throughout 2019.
Market capitalization peaked at
$350 billion in late June when
Bitcoin rallied to $13,000+, and
closed the year at $180 billion. It
gained ~$60 billion compared to
the start of the year.
Trading volume far outpaced
market capitalization,
nearly 600%
throughout 2019.
* Data taken from top-30 cryptocurrencies by Market Capitalization
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