
(2241 KB) Pobierz
UK Lemon Popsicle Fanzine
Issue 1
June 2002
Eskimo Limon
Eis Am Stiel
Price £2 UK/ $5 US/€5 Europe
Welcome to
Popsicle Scene
Where’s the Party???
Party on…………..!!
Lemon Popsicle – The Movie
Lemon Popsicle – The Cast
Lemon Popsicle – The Soundtrack
Victor’s Revenge
High School Joke
Huey’s Popsicle Tips
My Personal Lemon Popsicle Story
Popsicle Zone
Popsicle Ads
Next Issue
is a non-profit making fanzine. No attempt is made to infringe upon or supersede any
rights held by any holders of Lemon Popsicle copyrights whatsoever.
has no connection or associations with Globus films or any other organisations holding
Lemon Popsicle copyrights. Copyright and trademark are acknowledged and respected by this
is a bi-annual publication and is edited by Roy Mitchell of 14 Cornwall Drive, Hindley,
Wigan WN2 4DS, UK.
I would like to thank Lindsay Holmes for allowing me to use her photos and movie stills from her
wonderful Lemon Popsicle web site (more of this site on page 21)
A big thank you also goes to John Roche, editor of the fantastic and brilliant UK Planet of the Apes
fanzine Simian Scrolls for his encouragement and advice on publishing a fanzine.
Finally, a massive thank you on behalf of Lemon Popsicle fans everywhere to everyone connected
with the making of these wonderful films in the first place.
Lemon Popsicle copyright Globus Films
Welcome to
Hello and welcome to
issue 1 of the brand new Lemon Popsicle fanzine. You must be a
big Lemon Popsicle fan to have bought this fanzine and I hope it lives up to your expectations.
The idea behind this publication is to keep the Popsicle magic alive. This fanzine is intended as a
platform for Lemon Popsicle fans everywhere to have their say about these wonderful films.
So if there is something ‘Popsicle’ you want to get off your chest drop me a line. I hope to bring
news and features on the actors and actresses and point out some places where you can get your
Lemon Popsicle memorabilia. Plus humorous Popsicle features and new fictional adventures.
If you want to show off your Lemon Popsicle collection send me the details and I will publish them
in ‘Collector’s Corner’, a new feature for issue 2. This is one where size doesn’t matter! All
collections, large or small, are welcome.
If you want to share your Lemon Popsicle experiences or you want to tell us all what Lemon
Popsicle means to you then put pen to paper or get your keyboard out and drop me a line.
‘My Personal Lemon Popsicle Story’ is Dennis Lewandowski’s account of what these wonderful
films mean to him. Hopefully this will inspire more of you to do the same. If you would like to
contact Dennis to discuss his article or other Lemon Popsicle issues then you can email him at
or write to him at Postfach 2002, 59530 Lippstadt, Germany
is also on the lookout for artists who can help out with artwork for front covers and to
support other articles and features. So if you fancy yourself as a bit of an artist then drop me a line.
I also hope to start a letters page so if you want to drop me a line and tell me what you think about
or if there is a burning question you’d like answered then I’ll do my best to help.
If there are any Popsicle items you are looking for or if you have any memorabilia you want to
swap or sell then send in the details and I’ll put them on the Popsicle Ads page.
So, whether you are Eskimo Limon, Eis Am Stiel or simply Lemon Popsicle this is the fanzine for
Popsicle Scene
Our man Bobby is doing rather well for himself lately. Jonathan Sagall has written, produced,
directed and also stars in his latest film ‘Urban Feel’
The film centres around the dull and lifeless marriage of Eva (Dafna Rechter) and Robbi
(Scharonn Alexander). Jonathan plays Eva’s attractive ex-boyfriend Emanuel, who also happens
to be an alcoholic and bisexual. Emanuel has just returned from trying to find himself in India and
the couple allow him to move in.
This turns out to be a mistake as before long the ex-Popsicle hunk seduces Eva. The girls fell at
his feet during his Lemon Popsicle days and his touch certainly hasn’t deserted him with age!
The film has scooped a few awards in Israel, landing best picture at the Haifa Film Festival. Plus
best actress and best supporting actress at the Israeli Film Academy Awards.
Meanwhile Zachi Noy is back on the Lemon Popsicle scene in the new film ‘The Party Goes On’.
Zachi, who next month (July) celebrates his 49
birthday, plays the owner of the Montana. The
Montana is the ice-cream parlour where Bobby, Benji and Huey hang out. Not forgetting Victor of
course when he’s allowed out!
During the years when Zachi played Huey he entertained us many a time in the Montana with his
technique of bringing the girls over for Bobby and Benji. How fitting that the great man himself
should return to Lord it over his old stomping ground.
Zachi Noy epitomises all that is wonderful about Lemon Popsicle films. Welcome back Huey, er
There is still no news on when (if ever!) we can expect a video or DVD release of the new Lemon
Popsicle film ‘The Party Goes On’. It remains a mystery why Globus Films are holding back on this
one. I have written to their office in Germany and asked them to enlighten us but they have so far
declined to comment.
will continue to press on all fronts to bring about the much
anticipated release of this film.
If you want to join me in writing to Globus Films to apply some pressure to secure a release for the
new film their address is –
Globus Films
Hans Braun Str 59
Neufarhn 85375
Something else
will be pressing for is a DVD release for the original series of Lemon
Popsicle films. I have contacted Globus Films about a possible DVD release so I will let you know
their response in the next issue.
What they said about Lemon Popsicle……………..
“I was only 17, I didn’t know anything. Someone just found me and in three days I was in Lemon
Jonathan Sagall
“Lemon Popsicle – it’s like Grange Hill with tits!!”
John Roche,
editor Simian Scrolls
Lemon Popsicle put brass in the bank;
Going Steady, quite frankly, stank
Hot Bubblegum’s ruder, the dubbing is cruder-
One more punch in the kidneys for Rank.
The pattern’s the same as before,
And it couldn’t be more of a bore.
Chasing dames is the name of the game;
This time the soft porn ain’t tame.
It’s served up with lashings of pop,
And the giggling and writhing don’t stop-
Not soda, but Elvis and Vee
So if you’ll take this small tip from me;
If you like the soundtrack,
Head swiftly right back-
Home, and just play the L.P.
Eric Braun,
film critic
This catchy little rhyme was film critic Eric Braun’s critical appraisal of Hot Bubblegum. Just who is
this guy??? He doesn’t care much for Lemon Popsicle but you’ve got to admire his style! It’s
certainly an entertaining way of rubbishing a film and is a bit more original than just saying it was
I think we should feel honoured that Mr. Braun went to all this trouble over our beloved Lemon
Popsicle films. If anyone out there knows the whereabouts of Mr. Braun please drop me a line. It
would be great to feature an interview with him in the next issue.
Lemon Popsicle Forever
Check out Lindsay Holmes’ wonderful Lemon Popsicle Forever website. It’s
got everything you could ever want to know about the series of Lemon
Popsicle films. You can find out all about the stars, soundtracks, videos’ and
you can get in touch with other Popsicle-ites!
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