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Opposition / Feigned Incredulity:
disbelief or opposition in order to prompt a
person to offer information in defense of their
“There’s no way you could design
and produce this that fast!” “That’s good in
theory, but…”
Provocative Statement:
Entice the person
to direct a question toward you, in order to set
up the rest of the conversation.
“I could kick
myself for not taking that job offer.”
“Why didn’t you?” Since the other person is
asking the question, it makes your part in the
subsequent conversation more innocuous.
Questionnaires and Surveys:
State a
benign purpose for the survey. Surround a
few questions you want answered with other
logical questions. Or use a survey merely to
get people to agree to talk with you.
Quote Reported Facts:
Reference real or
false information so the person believes that
bit of information is in the public domain.
you comment on reports that your company
is laying off employees?” “Did you read how
analysts predict…”
Ruse Interviews:
Someone pretending to
be a headhunter calls and asks about your
experience, qualifications, and recent projects.
Target the Outsider:
Ask about an
organization that the person does not belong
Often friends, family, vendors, subsidiaries,
or competitors know information but may not
be sensitized about what not to share.
Volunteering Information / Quid Pro Quo:
Give information in hopes that the person will
“Our company’s infrared sensors
are only accurate 80% of the time at that
distance. Are yours any better?”
Word Repetition:
Repeat core words or
concepts to encourage a person to expand on
what he/she already said.
“3,000 meter range,
huh? Interesting.”
U.S. Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Know what information should not be shared,
and be suspicious of people who seek such
information. Do not tell people any information
they are not authorized to know, to include
personal information about you, your family, or
your colleagues.
Referring them to public sources
(websites, press releases)
Ignoring any question or statement you
think is improper and changing the topic
Deflecting a question with one of your own
Responding with “Why do you ask?”
Giving a nondescript answer
Stating that you do not know
Stating that you would have to clear such
discussions with your security office
Stating that you cannot discuss the matter
You can politely discourage conversation
topics and deflect possible elicitations by:
This brochure is
an introduction
to elicitation and
elicitation techniques.
Understanding the
techniques and the
threat may help you
detect and deflect
elicitation attempts.
If you believe someone has tried to elicit
information from you, especially about
your work, report it to your security officer.
licitation is a technique used to discreetly gather information. It is a conversation with
a specific purpose: collect information that is not readily available and do so without
raising suspicion that specific facts are being sought. It is usually non-threatening, easy to
disguise, deniable, and effective. The conversation can be in person, over the phone, or in writing.
Conducted by a skilled collector, elicitation will appear to be normal social or professional
conversation. A person may never realize she was the target of elicitation or that she provided
meaningful information.
Many competitive business intelligence collectors and foreign intelligence officers are trained
in elicitation tactics. Their job is to obtain non-public information. A business competitor may
want information in order to out-compete your company, or a foreign intelligence officer may
want insider information or details on US defense technologies.
For additional information or training,
contact the FBI.
The strategic use of conversation to extract
information from people without giving them
the feeling they are being interrogated.
Elicitation attempts can be simple, and
sometimes are obvious. If they are obvious,
it is easier to detect and deflect. On the
other hand, elicitation may be imaginative,
persistent, involve extensive planning, and may
employ a co-conspirator. Elicitors may use
a cover story to account for the conversation
topic and why they ask certain questions.
Elicitors may collect information about you
or your colleagues that could facilitate future
targeting attempts.
Elicitation can occur anywhere— at social
gatherings, at conferences, over the phone, on
the street, on the Internet, or in someone’s home.
A trained elicitor understands certain human or
cultural predispositions and uses techniques
to exploit those. Natural tendencies an elicitor
may try to exploit include:
A desire to be polite and helpful, even to
strangers or new acquaintances
A desire to appear well informed,
especially about our profession
A desire to feel appreciated and believe we
are contributing to something important
A tendency to expand on a topic when
given praise or encouragement; to show off
A tendency to gossip
A tendency to correct others
A tendency to underestimate the value
of the information being sought or given,
especially if we are unfamiliar with how
else that information could be used
A tendency to believe others are honest; a
disinclination to be suspicious of others
A tendency to answer truthfully when
asked an “honest” question
A desire to convert someone to our opinion
There are many elicitation techniques,
and multiple techniques may be used in
an elicitation attempt. The following are
descriptions of some of those techniques.
Assumed Knowledge:
Pretend to have
knowledge or associations in common with a
“According to the computer network
guys I used to work with…”
Provide a high and low estimate
in order to entice a more specific number.
“I assume rates will have to go up soon.
I’d guess between five and 15 dollars.”
“Probably around seven dollars.”
Can you top this?
Tell an extreme story in
hopes the person will want to top it.
“I heard
Company M is developing an amazing new
product that is capable of …”
Confidential Bait:
Pretend to divulge
confidential information in hopes of receiving
confidential information in return.
between you and me…” “Off the record…”
Criticize an individual or
organization in which the person has an
interest in hopes the person will disclose
information during a defense.
“How did your
company get that contract? Everybody knows
Company B has better engineers for that type
of work.”
Deliberate False Statements / Denial of the
Say something wrong in the hopes
that the person will correct your statement
with true information.
“Everybody knows that
process won’t work—it’s just a DARPA dream
project that will never get off the ground.”
Feigned Ignorance:
Pretend to be ignorant
of a topic in order to exploit the person’s
tendency to educate.
“I’m new to this field and
could use all the help I can get.” “How does
this thing work?”
Use praise to coax a person into
providing information.
“I bet you were the key
person in designing this new product.”
Good Listener:
Exploit the instinct to
complain or brag, by listening patiently and
validating the person’s feelings (whether
positive or negative).
If a person feels they
have someone to confide in, he/she may share
more information.
The Leading Question:
Ask a question to
which the answer is “yes” or “no,” but which
contains at least one presumption.
“Did you
work with integrated systems testing before
you left that company?” (As opposed to: “What
were your responsibilities at your prior job?”)
For example, you meet someone at a public
function and the natural getting-to-know-you
questions eventually turn to your work. You
never mention the name of your organization.
The new person asks questions about job
satisfaction at your company, perhaps while
complaining about his job. You may think,
“He has no idea where I work or what I really
do. He’s just making idle chat. There’s
no harm in answering.” However, he may
know exactly what you do but he relies on
his anonymity, your desire to be honest and
appear knowledgeable, and your disinclination
to be suspicious to get the information he
wants. He may be hunting for a disgruntled
employee who he can entice to give him
insider information.
Mutual Interest:
Suggest you are similar to
a person based on shared interests, hobbies,
or experiences, as a way to obtain information
or build a rapport before soliciting information.
“Your brother served in the Iraq war? So did
mine. Which unit was your brother with?”
Oblique Reference:
Discuss one topic that
may provide insight into a different topic.
question about the catering of a work party may
actually be an attempt to understand the type
of access outside vendors have to the facility.
It is not uncommon for people to discover
information about a person without letting on
the purpose. For example, have you ever
planned a surprise party for someone and
needed to know their schedule, wish list, food
likes and dislikes or other information without
that person finding out you were collecting the
information or for what purpose? The problem
comes when a skilled elicitor is able to obtain
valuable information from you, which you
did not intend to share, because you did not
recognize and divert the elicitation.
Macro to Micro:
Start a conversation on the
macro level, and then gradually guide the
person toward the topic of actual interest.
Start talking about the economy, then
government spending, then potential defense
budget cuts, then “what will happen to your
X program if there are budget cuts?” A good
elicitor will then reverse the process taking the
conversation back to macro topics.
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