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The National
of the
United States
of America
The National
of the
United States
of America
I’ve often said publicly that we are facing the most diverse set of threats I’ve seen in my 50 years
in the intelligence business. That’s true. It’s also true, however, that we are better organized to face
these threats than we were 13 years ago. We have strengthened and integrated our Intelligence
Community (IC) in the decade since 9/11, supported by the
National Intelligence Strategy
This, the third iteration of the NIS, is our guide forward for the next four years to better serve
the needs of our customers, to make informed decisions on national security issues, and ultimately,
to make our nation more secure. We face significant changes in the domestic and global
environment and must be ready to meet 21
century challenges and to recognize emerging
opportunities. This guidance is designed to propel our mission and align our objectives with national
strategies. The NIS provides an opportunity to communicate national priority objectives to our
workforce, partners, and customers—from the policy maker, to the warfighter, to the first responder,
to our fellow citizens.
To navigate today’s turbulent and complex strategic environment, we must: (1) Execute our mission
smartly and identify ways to better leverage the substantive work of our partners and potential
partners; (2) Continue to integrate, transform, and strengthen the IC’s support to national security;
(3) Protect privacy and civil liberties and adhere to the
Principles of Professional Ethics for the IC;
and (4) Adapt to changing needs and resources and innovate to provide unique anticipatory and
strategic intelligence.
We have seen a great deal of success in integrating intelligence in the five years since our
most recent NIS, with both high-profile operational achievements and significant enterprise
improvements. Together, we must build on our successes and mitigate risks, guided by this
updated strategy. We must continue to evolve as an integrated Community, advance our
capabilities in technology and tradecraft, and push for improvements in both mission and
enterprise management, through initiatives such as the IC Information Technology Enterprise.
We have crucial work before us. Senior policymakers depend on us to enable them to make wise
national security decisions and Americans count on us to help protect the nation from attack,
while increasing transparency and protecting their privacy and civil liberties. We must provide
the best intelligence possible to support these objectives; doing so is a collective responsibility
of all of our dedicated IC professionals and, together with our partners, we will realize our vision.
Thank you for your dedication to our mission and to the security of our fellow citizens as we
continue this journey together.
James R. Clapper
Director of National Intelligence
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