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Reportable Suspicious Contacts Include
Efforts by any individual, regardless of
nationality, to obtain illegal or unauthorized
access to classified information or to
compromise a cleared employee
Contact by cleared employees with known
or suspected intelligence officers from any
foreign country
Any contact that suggests the employee
concerned may be the target of an
attempted exploitation by a foreign
intelligence entity
Attempts to entice cleared employees into
compromising situations that could lead to
blackmail or extortion
Attempts by foreign customers to gain
access to hardware and information
that exceeds the limitations of the export
licenses on file
Attempts to place cleared personnel under
obligation through special treatment,
favors, gifts, or money
Requests for protected information in the
guise a of price quote or purchase request,
market survey, or other pretense
Multiple sales representatives
Unusual quantity
Requested modifications of technology
Rushed delivery date
No return address
End user address is in a third country
Address is an obscure PO Box or residence
Multiple businesses using the same address
Buyer requests all products be shipped
directly to him/her
The request is directed at an employee
who does not know the sender and is not in
the sales or marketing office
Solicitor is acting as a procurement agent
for a foreign government
Military-specific technology is requested for
a civilian purpose
Company requests technology outside the
requestor’s scope of business
Visitors request last-minute change of
agenda to include export-controlled
Requestor offers to pick up products rather
than having them shipped
Requestor uses broken English or poor
Individual has a lack of/no knowledge
of the technical specifications of the
requested type of technology
Suspicious Purchase Requests
The following may indicate an attempt by a
foreign entity to illegally acquire classified or
export-controlled technology or information:
End user is a warehouse or company that
organizes shipments for others
No end-user certificate
Vagueness of order — quantity, delivery
destination, or identity of customer
Report suspicious activity to your local security official.
Be Alert! Be Aware!
Defense Security Service
Counterintelligence Directorate
Spotting the SuSpiciouS
to cleared contractor data systems and cleared
individuals. The potential for blended operations
where cyberspace contributes to traditional
tradecraft presents the greatest risk to cleared
industry. An increase in unsolicited contacts
made with cleared industry employees from
compromised accounts amplifies the potential
for compromise of cleared individuals, classified
programs, or classified systems occurring in the
unclassified cyber domain.
Through analysis of industry reporting, DSS has
found that foreign intelligence services utilize both
commercial and government-affiliated entities.
The large number of commercial contacts
likely represents an attempt by foreign
governments to make the contacts seem
more innocuous by using non-governmental
entities as surrogate collectors
The number of government-affiliated
contact reports is likely due to foreign
governments’ increased reliance on
government-affiliated research facilities
that contact cleared U.S. contractors under
the guise of information-sharing
allows the malicious actors to send targeted
emails with low risk and potentially high
Watering Hole attacks (compromised third-
party websites) may provide a means for
malicious actors to gain unauthorized
access to your network or device.
Removable media (USB devices) can
provide a means to quickly spread
malicious software from a trusted position
Use of removable media (USB drives) can
initiate attempted intrusions
United States cleared industry is a prime target of
many foreign intelligence collectors and foreign
government economic competitors. Cleared
employees working on America’s most sensitive
programs are of special interest to other nations.
The number of reported collection attempts
rises every year, indicating an increased risk
for industry. While any geographic region can
target sensitive or classified U.S. technology, the
Defense Security Service (DSS) has consistently
found that the majority of suspicious contacts
reported by cleared industry originate from East
Asia and the Pacific regions.
Every region has active collectors. Cleared
contractors should remain vigilant regardless of
the collector’s assumed country of origin.
The nature and extent of industry reported
suspicious contacts suggest a concerted effort
to exploit cleared contractors for economic
and military advantage. These contacts range
from outright attempts to steal technology to
seemingly innocuous business ventures.
One of the fastest growing areas of concern is the
exploitation of cyberspace for surreptitious access
Attempted acquisition of and requests for
information about controlled technology
Represent a low-risk/high gain method of
Usually involve emailing, mailing, faxing,
or cold calling U.S. cleared contractor
employees; web-card submissions; or use
of a website’s “contact us” page
Collectors ask for everything from price
quotes and technical specifications to the
outright sale of the technology
Collection Methods
Recent industry reporting indicates that
while foreign entities continue to use direct
and overt means in their attempts to gain
access to classified/sensitive information
and technologies or to compromise cleared
individuals, foreign entities are also returning
to indirect collection methods.
academic solicitation,
foreign students
seek post-graduate positions, thesis assistance,
or reviews of drafts of scientific publications
Representatives of foreign companies
solicit or market their services
cleared U.S. companies and offer to market
the cleared company’s products overseas,
provide technical and business services,
or seek employment on classified cleared
contractor projects
foreign delegation visits
to cleared
facilities, visitors may show up unannounced,
attempt to gain access to restricted areas, or
add unvetted visitors to their party last minute
Cyber Exploitation
Spear phishing was the most common
malware delivery technique; this technique
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