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Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA)
Stichting Inlichtingenstudies Nederland
Presentations on Active Measures and Counterterrorism
The Chatham House Rule applies to this meeting
(see below)
Speaker: Dan Mulvenna
Date: Friday, 1 December 2017, 9.00-18.00 hrs.
Venue: De Burcht, Henri Polaklaan 9
1018 CP Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The Chatham House Rule
The ‘Chatham House Rule’ applies to this meeting. This rule reads as follows:
‘When a
meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to
use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s),
nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.’
The aim of the rule is to provide anonymity
to speakers and to encourage openness and sharing of information.
The speaker
Daniel J [Dan] Mulvenna
Dan Mulvenna retired from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Security Service (now the
Canadian Security Intelligence Service, CSIS) after 22 years in criminal,
counterintelligence and counterespionage operations. He worked successively as Head of
the Ottawa Field Office GRU, Illegals and KGB Desks. Later in a senior position in the
Counterintelligence Research and Analysis Branch at Security Service HQ, he worked on
national counterintelligence programs and joint projects with allied intelligence and
security services.
Instructor and lecturer on counterintelligence and counterterrorism to USIC agencies
(among those NSA, CIA, FBI, DIA, DOE, Homeland Security) at the Counterintelligence
Centre and with CT/CI Training Partners, in Washington, D.C. in 2001-2013.
Description of presentations
Russian Active Measures: A Well-Honed Weapon Against Western Liberal Democracies
Russian intelligence services have a long history with 'Active Measures' going back to the formation
of the Cheka in December 1917. Active Measures, a Soviet era term, covers a broad range of mostly
covert political warfare and influence operations, including special actions involving political
repression, decomposition of organizations and institutions and character assassination, even
violence, against individuals.
By their nature Russian influence campaigns, like the one against the U.S. during the 2016
presidential election, are multifaceted and designed to be deniable, using a mix of agents of influence,
cutouts, front organizations and individuals, disinformation, “fake news”, propaganda, and false-flag
operations. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union used intelligence officers, influence agents,
forgeries, Third Country press placements, subsequently replayed in the West, to disparage candidates
perceived as hostile.
The presentation will offer an overview of the evolution of the Russian Active Measures
strategies and operational tactics as we now understand them.
Irish Terrorism and the British Response in the 1970s: Counterintelligence Tactics in Counter
Terror Operations.
How the British drove the IRA to the negotiating table.
Terrorist & Insurgent Attacks and Tactical Countermeasures: A Proactive Approach.
1. Movement and Terrain Analysis
2. Countersurveillance
3. Attack Recognition
Escape & Evasion.
Those interested in attending the presentations should register by email with Ben de Jong at
Cell phone +31-(0)6-816 44 922. Please give name, phone number and
if possible affiliation in your email. The
registration fee is € 100
and includes coffee breaks,
lunch and drinks afterwards. A number of places is available for
students for € 55.
Proof of
status as a student is required. When registering by email, please indicate the amount that
will be paid.
The sum of € 100 or € 55 is to be transferred to
Stichting Inlichtingenstudies Nederland,
account no.
NL64 INGB 0000 7259 80.
(With the transfer please mention ‘Presentations 1
December’). The ING address for those paying from bank accounts outside the Netherlands:
ING Bank, P.O. Box 1800, 1000 BV Amsterdam. Payments for registration must be received on
the account mentioned above by November 25. Refunds are only possible when participation
has been cancelled by email on November 25 at the latest.
Schedule on Friday 1 December
Arrival of participants & coffee
Break & coffee
Lecture (continued)
Lecture (continued)
Break & coffee
Lecture (continued)
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