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ASM Module 01: Amazon’s 
Categories and How to Choose 
In this lesson, you will learn the most profitable categories from 
which to choose your products, along with important 
information about gated and restricted categories. 
This Lesson Covers: 
1. Top Level Categories  
2. Profitable Categories  
3. Categories Requiring Approval  
4. Gated Subcategories  
5. Selling in a Gated Category  
1. Top Level Categories  
Top Level
categories are important, because the BSR (best-seller rank) of a 
product is tied to the top level categories,
not the sub-categories​
. When you 
start choosing a product, you will look for the BSR in the
top level
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2. Profitable Categories  
Not all top-level categories are created equal.  
Make sure that you look for your product in categories that:  
Are profitable  
2. Have enough sales volume  
3. Contain products that can be private labelled  
4. Contain products that match the ASM criteria  
Download the PDF attached to this lesson, which contains a list of the most 
profitable categories. We strongly recommend that you use ONLY these 
categories when searching for your products!  
3. Categories Requiring Approval  
Some categories (known as
gated categories​
) require approval from Amazon 
for you to sell in them.  
This is a lengthy process that requires you to have supplier invoices of your 
products, among other things. Take a look at the category approval page by 
clicking this link:  
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You will need to have a Seller Central account to view this list—however,
we do 
not recommend selling in a gated category​
, especially when you are first 
starting out.  
4. Gated Subcategories   
Amazon has recently updated some of the gated categories, such as “Beauty” 
and “Health & Personal Care.” Now, there are more ungated products than 
However, they have started
some subcategories and products. The list 
of gated subcategories changes regularly, and Amazon does not publicly 
publish this list.  
Head to the ASM community​
and search for “Gated Products,” to find a thread 
with the most up-to-date information about these categories.  
5. Selling in a Gated Category  
Make sure to get approval before selling in a gated category, and keep in 
mind that to sell in these categories, you will need at least 3 commercial 
invoices. This is why we recommend starting with an open category.  
Alternately, do a Google search for “Amazon Ungating Service”—there are a 
number of services that will help you sell in an ungated category, for a fee 
(generally $200–$400).  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
We recommend starting in a normal category, they expanding into a gated 
category when you have some more sales under your belt!  
Now that you know which are the most profitable categories, head to the next 
lesson, where you will learn which categories to avoid, as you go through the 
product selection process.  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
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