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ASM Module 01: Proving 
Viability with Competing 
In this lesson, you will learn how to add competing products to 
your primary products to determine if they are viable. 
This Lesson Covers: 
1. Why Find Competing Products? 
2. How to Find Competing Products 
3. What’s Next 
4. Action Steps 
1. Why Find Competing Products? 
Adding two competing products to each primary product helps you choose a 
winning product because it
validates the demand
for the product. If there is 
only one product in the BSR range, it might mean that there isn’t enough 
demand for the product.  
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Make sure that BOTH of the competing products match the ASM criteria. 
There is some leeway when it comes to price. However, if the majority of the 
competing products are lower price, this is a sign that the price of the primary 
product is probably too high.  
Competing products are similar to the primary product, and may even be 
identical. They need to be as close as possible, and should provide the same 
function/experience. If the primary product is made of metal, then the 
competing product should be metal too.  
The competing products will have different BSR ranges than the 
BSR range for that category.  
Follow these BSR guidelines when researching competing products: 
If you find a competing product that has a lower BSR number than the 
If you find a competing product that has a lower BSR number than your 
If two of the three products have a BSR number lower than the 
recommended range for the competing products, delete the product.  
primary product, make
product the primary product.  
recommended range,
that product. It’s too competitive.  
primary product. You must find TWO competing products that are inside the 
2. How to Find Competing Products 
Use the main keyword for the primary product to locate competing products. 
We’re using a french press coffee maker for this example.  
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Take the following steps to find your competing products:  
Open the link to the listing from your primary product list. 
2. Enter “Glass French Press Coffee Maker” into the Amazon search bar.  
3. Change the category to “All Departments” and click “Search.”  
Always search in all departments, when looking for 
competing products.  
When searching competing products, they might not all be 
BSR in that category to validate it.  
4. Once the search results generate, open Jungle Scout. You don’t need to 
use the price filter. 
5. Extract the next three pages of the search (like you did when searching 
for the primary product). Try to find as many as 30 options—there might 
be fewer than that, (which is ok). 
6. Click “Rank BSR from lowest to highest.” Go through the list and delete 
any products that are different in quality, or are not the same product.  
7. When you have a primary product and two competing products in the 
spreadsheet, look at the price and ranks of the products. The prices and 
reviews must all be within the recommended ranges.  
8. If you find that a product is unsatisfactory, delete it off of your 
spreadsheet, and start again.  
When deleting a product off the spreadsheet, click the link of the 
product, then highlight the row until the “Review” column. Clear the row, 
but do not delete the row.
If you delete anything further, it will mess up 
the auto calculation functions inside the spreadsheet.  
10. Once you find a product that has two acceptable competing products, 
add their pertinent information into the spreadsheet. Competing 
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found in the same category and that’s ok. You will need to use the 
products go into “URL2” and “URL3” sections of the spreadsheet, and their 
BSR/Reviews go into the corresponding columns.  
11. Congratulations! You’ve got the first hot product opportunity!  
12. Continue with the process with the remainder of your list. When you go 
through your list, you will find yourself deleting most of the list, which is 
completely normal.  
13. Once you’ve narrowed down your list, it might look like the spreadsheet 
14. Take these steps to get rid of the empty rows: 
a. Highlight the first product URL (A3 in this example) and highlight 
the entire spreadsheet with pertinent data (over to O14, in the 
b. Click the “Data” dropdown menu at the top, then “Sort Range.”  
c. Sort by: Column O, Z - A. 
d. Your new spreadsheet should look like this: 
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3. What’s Next 
In the next lesson, we will go over how to find the primary and competing 
product at the same time and build your hot opportunity list.  
4. Action Steps 
Prove the viability of your primary products by finding competing products. 
Also, take the time to visit the community ask questions, assist others when 
you know the answer, and celebrate with other members when they hit 
important milestones in their businesses!  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
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