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ASM Module 04:   
Ensuring Launch Success 
In this lesson, you will learn the importance of building brand 
assets in order to make sales right out of the gate, so that you 
can start planning to build them for your own business. 
This Lesson Covers: 
1. While You Wait for Samples  
2. Launching with a Bang  
3. Building Your Brand Presence  
4. Facebook Brand Page  
5. Brand Website  
6. Other Social Accounts  
7. Lead Capture Pages 
8. DIY or Pay?  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
1. While You Wait for Samples 
You are probably in the middle of waiting for samples or for your suppliers to 
create your inventory. However, now is not the time to take a break.  
Take action​
—build your brand assets. Having a brand presence when you 
launch is critical. 
2. Launching with a Bang  
Make sure that your product takes off as soon as it goes live by making sure 
you have everything in place for a fast launch, and are ready to product more 
sales within just a few days of going live.  
The more you do now (while waiting), the faster your product will take off.  
3. Building Your Brand Presence  
You will do the following three things to build your brand presence before 
launching your product:  
Set up and build out your social media profiles  
Set up your brand website  
Set up your lead capture pages 
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These give you the perfect platform to launch your product, and build 
credibility for your brand even before you launch. We will teach you how to do 
each of them. 
4. Facebook Brand Page  
Your Facebook brand page is vital to your business because:  
It is naturally “viral,” compared to a website  
It can do everything else a website can do  
Facebook ads work better when targeting a Facebook page  
You can integrate a lead capture now with just a couple of clicks  
If you have limited time or funds, choose a Facebook brand page over 
building a personal website.   
5. Brand Website  
You have two different options for brand websites:
hosting is much easier,
hosting gives you more options and 
flexibility, but is also more complicated and time-consuming.  
You will learn how to build a basic website using
wix.com​, in an upcoming 
The main benefit to having a website is to show that you are a real brand or 
however, you can achieve the same effect with a Facebook 
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brand page.
Customers on Amazon do search for brand names, so they must 
be able to find your Facebook or brand page—otherwise, they will not have 
any faith in your brand.  
Keep your website basic. You don’t need to sell your product from the website, 
you only need to prove that your brand exists, so that people will have more 
trust in you.  
6. Other Social Accounts  
Consider making use of these other social accounts to improve your brand 
recognition and promotional capabilities:  
Twitter: Awesome for running promotions (contests, etc.)  
YouTube: Great for promotions  
Pinterest: Helpful for both brand recognition and promotion  
These are not as critical as your Facebook brand page, but they are important 
when it comes to marketing and promotions.  
7. Lead Capture Pages 
Building a lead capture page is also incredibly valuable for your business, and 
not as difficult as you might think. 
Having a list of customers that you can market your products to without 
restriction is a goldmine!  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
8. DIY or Pay?  
Your time is valuable—but so is the learning process.  
Set these site up yourself, when at all possible,
instead of paying someone 
else. We will show you how to pay for individual elements, plus where to get 
them created for you.  
However, it is far more valuable for you to learn how to do these things on your 
own, and we show you step-by-step how to do so in the upcoming lessons.  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
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