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ASM Module 04: Setting Up 
Your Brand Twitter Account  
In this lesson, you will create a brand Twitter account.
This Lesson Covers: 
1. Why Twitter?  
2. Creating Your Brand Twitter Account 
1. Why Twitter?  
Your brand Twitter account plays an important part in your product launch 
strategy, and is invaluable for ongoing promotion.  
Additionally, setting up an account is relatively uncomplicated, and is a great 
use of your time while you wait for your inventory to arrive.  
2. Creating Your Brand Twitter Account  
Take the following steps to create your brand Twitter account:  
Go to
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2. Click “Sign Up,” then enter your brand name, brand email, and a 
the box next to “Tailor Twitter based on my recent website 
visits,” then click “Sign up.”  
4. Enter your phone number, then click “Next.”  
5. Enter a username (your brand, or a variation of it, e.g., Outdoor Squared, 
Outdoor_Squared, etc.), then click “Next.”  
6. Click “Let’s go,” click on a few topics that are relevant to your brand, then 
click “Continue.”  
7. Select an email account from which to import contact, or simply click 
“No thanks.”  
8. Twitter automatically generates a list of 21 accounts it thinks you will 
enjoy. Click “Follow 21 & continue,” then click “Not now” in the Twitter 
notifications pop-up window.  
9. Click either “Next” in the Welcome home pop-up window, to get a tour of 
Twitter, or click “Skip all” to ignore it.  
10. Twitter has sent you a confirmation email, so check your Gmail account, 
and click “Confirm now” in the email.  
You now have a brand Twitter account, and your page should look something 
like this:  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
There are still a few more things for you to do:  
Click the camera icon at the top left of the page, select “Upload photo,” 
then select your brand logo and click “Apply.”  
Click your profile photo icon at the top
of the page, then select 
“Profile” from the drop-down menu.  
3. Click “Edit profile,” then “Add a header photo.” Select “Upload photo” from 
the drop-down menu, choose your wider, header photo, reposition the 
photo if necessary, then click “Apply.”  
4. Click “Save changes,” and your page will now look something like this:  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
Now, add content to your account (so that you continue to build brand 
credibility) by taking the following steps:  
Search Google for content related to your product, then copy the URL of 
that content.  
2. Click “Home” at the top left of your Twitter page, then click inside the box 
at the top of the page, and write a short tweet relating to your content:  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
3. Paste the link to the article, then click “Tweet.”  
4. Repeat this process several times, and continue adding interesting and 
informative content to your Twitter account on a regular basis!  
, use Twitter itself for new content—search for pertinent 
terms (e.g., “biking,” “outdoor trails,” etc.) in the search bar, then click the 
magnifying glass search icon. Scroll down to look through the articles, 
and click the “Retweet” arrows at the bottom of the article:  
6. Enter your own description (e.g. “Looks exciting!”), then click “Tweet.”  
, your tweets can only be 140 characters long!  
You have successfully created your own brand Twitter page, and have started 
adding content—make sure to update that content regularly!  
Now, it’s time to head to the next lesson, where you will create a brand 
Pinterest account.  
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
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