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ASM Module 05: Building Your 
Keyword List 
In this lesson, you will start building your keyword list.
This Lesson Covers: 
1. Helium10 Cerebro Tool 
2. What’s Next 
1. Helium10 Cerebro Tool 
The Cerebro tool makes compiling a keywords list very easy to do. For this 
example, we will be using the Vibrelli Bike Pump product:   
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
Take the following steps to use the Helium 10 Cerebro tool:  
Find your product ASIN (found in the URL of the product). 
the drop-down menu on the left side of the page.  
2. Go to the Helium10 website,
and click “Cerebro” from 
3. Enter the ASIN number into the search bar, then click “Get Competitors”  
a. You can also use your competitors from Jungle Scout—we 
recommend you try both options to see all results.  
4. A page of competitors will pop up. Choose the competing products that 
are closest to your product. Five or six competing products is 
5. Click “Close,” and the ASINs of competing products auto-fills below your 
product on the main page.  
a. If you are using Jungle Scout to find your competitors, you will 
have to manually add the ASIN of each product in.  
6. Once you have your ASIN of your product and the competitors, click 
“Reverse Search.”  
7. Scroll down and increase the word count to minimum of two, then click 
8. The search results return 3900 keywords (which is too many).  
9. Click “Exact Search Volume” in the spreadsheet, which will sort the data 
by the highest number of searches for that exact keyword. This is a good 
indicator for which keywords gets the most traffic.  
: Cerebro finds out the keywords that the top competitors are 
currently using. 
11. Export the list to
, which can be done by clicking the “Export” 
drop-down menu, and selecting “To Frankenstein.”  
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Also take a moment to download the result in CSV format, so you 
have a copy in your records. 
13. In the new window, you can see the list of keywords.  
14. Scroll down and click “One word phrase per line.” Leave all other default 
settings as is. This will generate a new list to the right, which has broken 
down the key phrase results into one word per line.  
15. Further sort this list by clicking the “Frequency” tab on the top of the list, 
which will sort the list by most popular single words. In this example, 
“bike” is the most popular keyword out of all phrases. 
16. Remove any duplicates and words that aren’t pertinent to your product. 
As you go down the list, the words become mostly irrelevant. At this 
point, stop and delete the remainder of the list.  
17. Click “Save.” This will download your list of top keywords as a text file. 
18. Copy the list and move it into the original list on the left side of your 
19. Check the “Add only spaces” option in the “Output” settings, which will 
consolidate your list to paragraph form. 
20. Congratulations! You’ve got your keyword list ready. 
2. What’s Next 
In the next lesson, you will learn how to create a traffic-grabbing title. 
Copyright © 2018 Amazing Selling Machine
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