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ASM Module 05: Product 
Images That Attract and 
In this lesson, you will learn all about your product images, and 
how to get the most out of them.
This Lesson Covers: 
1. Conversion Magnets 
2. Image Types  
3. Creating Your Images Prior to Inventory  
4. Upgrading After Inventory  
5. Product Image Examples  
1. Conversion Magnets 
Images are the second-most important element of your product listing (after 
your title), and they are the
most important when it comes to conversions​
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The biggest drawback to buying online is that you cannot touch and feel the 
product. So, your images have to provide this sensory experience for your 
customers as much as possible.  
2. Image Types 
These are the main types of images that you will use in your listing:  
Main product image  
Customers see this when they are searching  
It is the first thing they see when they come to your listing 
Secondary product images 
Different angles 
Lifestyle images (people using the product)  
Instructional images  
Product accessories or components  
size image you should use is 1,000 x 1,000 pixels. We 
your product clearly.  
Characteristics of Your Main Product Image  
recommend that you use the largest image you can so customers can see 
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It must be on a pure white background  
It can contain
badges or text  
ONLY show the product  
A square image is best, it displays better on Amazon’s pages  
Crop out all extra white space  
Characteristics of Your Secondary Product Image 
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Can have any color background  
Square is best  
As high-quality as possible  
Lifestyle images are very effective. There are a few different ways to get 
Add your product image to a stock photo.  
Find a designer to create the image for you.  
Use a photo enhancement service. 
Check out the ASM resource vault to find more recommendations.  
Product listings have
image slots—​
use all of them​
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3. Creating Your Images Prior to Inventory  
Take these steps to get images of your product created, if you haven’t 
received your inventory yet:  
Take a photograph of your sample.  
a. Upload your image.  
c. They will charge you roughly $1.00 
3. Alternately, you can use fiverr.com, but they are more expensive.  
4. When you have a label, get a graphic designer to add the label to your 
sample photo (use fiverr or upwork).  
2. Use
www.pixelz.com​ to remove the background: 
b. They email it back to you the following day, with the background 
4. Upgrading After Inventory  
To get photos of your product after it is ready, you can:  
Ask your supplier to express ship one or two units to you ahead of your 
full inventory.  
2. Create a fulfillment order with Amazon to send the product to a 
3. Create a fulfillment order to send the product to yourself, and take the 
best photo that you can, then send it to
www.pixelz.com​, to have the 
background removed.  
photographer or photo service (e.g.,
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