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ASM Module 07: Amazon 
Sponsored Products Ads 
Optimization Tips 
This lesson teaches you how to use Amazon Sponsored Ads to 
advertise your product and increase your sales and 
This Lesson Covers: 
1. Why Optimize Sponsored Ads First?  
2. Should You Try to Make a Profit with Your Sponsored Ads?  
3. How to Calculate Your Break-Even ACoS  
4. How to Determine Your Target ACoS  
5. How to Set Up, Optimize, and Scale Your Sponsored Ads Campaigns 
1. Why Optimize Sponsored Ads First?  
There is no one single strategy that everyone agrees on when it comes to 
advertising online. Different strategies work for different people. This is true for 
Facebook, Google AdWords, and even Amazon Sponsored Product Ads and 
Headline Search Ads.  
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Start with this strategy because it works.​
It is the perfect combination of easy 
to set up and advanced enough to grow and scale.  
Start with Amazon Sponsored Ads because:  
It has built-in conversion tracking (because everything is contained 
within Amazon).  
It is the most targeted traffic that you can get.  
It is easy to set up and run.  
The official name of these ads is “Amazon Sponsored Products Ads,” but 
is often simply referred to as “Amazon Sponsored Ads.” These terms may be 
used interchangeably throughout this lesson.  
2. Should You Try to Make a Profit with Sponsored Ads?  
Whether or not to try to make a profit with your sponsored ads depends on 
your current strategy/goal:  
Launch and Growth:  
a. When launching a new product, your goal is to increase traffic, 
sales, and reviews.  
b. It’s okay to lose some money on your ads, at this stage (but only 
up to a point).  
2. Sales and Profit Optimization: 
a. Once your product has been launched and is selling, your goal is 
to optimize your ads for both sales and profit.  
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b. You are in this stage the majority of the time, along with times 
when you want to try to break even or make a profit.  
3. Inventory Conservation:  
a. When you are low on inventory, your goal is to maximize your 
profits and conserve inventory until it can be restocked.  
b. Lower your bids and budget to help with this (or turn off your ads 
How do you know what to do differently, depending on which strategy you’re 
Once you know your break-even ACoS (more on that later), you determine 
your target ACoS (based upon your current strategy) and manage your ads to 
try to hit that (your target ACoS).  
3. How to Calculate Your Break-Even ACoS 
ACoS is the Advertising Cost of Sales. Basically, the percentage of your sales 
that you spend on advertising.  
Calculate your ACos by
dividing total ad spend by the total sales​
Imagine that you spend $100 on an Amazon Sponsored Ads campaign.  
Imagine that the sales amount produced by this campaign is $300.  
This means that your ACoS was 33%. In other words, $100 (spend)/$300 
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A Simpler Explanation of ACoS  
An effective ACoS is relative.​
Let’s say, for example, that you have an ACoS of 
33%, for one of your products:  
If you only make 10% profit per sale ($30 on $300), you just
Take a look at the following example of ACoS:  
If you make 50% profit per sale ($150 on $300), you just
Calculating break-even ACoS 
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The bottom of the list shows much better ACoS—so how do you calculate that 
Exactly the same way you calculate your profit margin​
Say that your product selling price is $35.  
2. You receive an Amazon payout of $21.65.   
3. You have calculated the true product cost (see Module 2) at $9.40.  
4. Subtract the true product cost from the Amazon payout: $21.56 - $9.40.  
5. Your profit is $12.25.  
6. Divide your profit by the product selling price: $12.25 ÷ $35.  
Your profit margin is .35, or
Use this example to help you calculate your break-even ACoS:  
Your ACoS is the same number as your profit margin:
Now, use that percentage number in this example of an Amazon Ad for this 
Your total ad spend is $98.  
2. Your total sales come to $280.  
3. Your ACoS is 35%.  
Multiply your sales number by the ACoS:​
280 x .35 = 98.  
Your profit
running ads is, therefore,
Your net profit is, therefore,
6. Since you spent $98 on ads, subtract the ads from the profit: $98 - $98.  
Your ACoS of 35% is exactly the same as your profit margin of 35%.  
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