BBC RADIO DRAMA_ KRAKEN WAKES by John Wyndham (Description).txt

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The Kraken Wakes by John Wyndham was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 21st February 1998.

Sci-Fi:  Radio reporters Mike and Phyllis Watson are on a honeymoon cruise when they see strange red lights falling out of the sky and into the sea. 

In John Wyndham's 1953 classic of alien invasion, Mike and Phyl report the progress of the 'kraken-like' sea monsters as they emerge from the depths and challenge mankind for supremacy of the Earth. 

Mike: Jonathan Cake
Phyl: Saira Todd
Freddie: David Fleeshman
DrBocker: Russell Dixon
Captain Winters: William Oxborrow
Mallarby: Malcolm Hebden

Producer: Susan Roberts
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