BBC RADIO DRAMA_ MONEY MAGIC by Judith Johnson (Description).txt

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Money Magic by Judith Johnson was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on
23 February 2007.

Comic thriller: "Money Magic" is a scheme for women only - "we don't want men as they're too suspicious". It sounds great, "women helping women" as their slogan is. Just invest £3,000, in the next week find two friends to invest £3,000 each and within a few weeks you'll receive £24,000. What's not to like?

As a group of women in Chester soon discover, a pyramid scheme like this will always eventually collapse on tears and recrimination.

Beth: Rachel Bavidqe
josie/Suzanna: Christine Kavanagh
Kathy: Christine Bottomley
Izzy: Fiona Southworth
Taz: Lee Ingleby
Dave: Anthony Glennon
Nancy: Marlene Sidaway
Miranda/Mary: Jasmine Callan
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