BBC RADIO DRAMA_ WRITING ON WIGAN PIER by David Pownall (Description).txt

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Writing On Wigan Pier by David Pownall was broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 31 July 2010.

In 1936, George Orwell embarked on a visit to Wigan, a typical coal-mining town in industrial Lancashire in order to write a book about the people, their experiences and their struggle to cope with the effects of the Depression.

Orwell .... Adrian Scarborough 
Neil .... Karl Davies 
Helen .... Helen Longworth 
Grandad .... Bernard Cribbins 
Mrs Brooker/Country Lady .... Thelma Barlow 
Gollancz .... Keith Drinkel 
Arnold .... Anthony Glennon 
Meade/Ignatius .... Tom Bevan
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