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Program Writer (TM)

Program and Program Documentation Status: Freeware 

Full Screen BASIC Program Editor
by Alan Bird

Published by
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Copyright 1989 Beagle Bros, Inc.

This manual and the software described in it are copyrighted with all
rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual or the software may
not be copied, in whole or part, without written consent of Beagle Bros,
except in the normal use of the software or to make a backup copy of the
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Chapter 1      Welcome to Program Writer 1
Chapter 2      Installing the Editor 3
Chapter 3      Using the Editor 7
                    The Editor 8
                    Moving the Cursor 10
                    Editing Commands 13
                    Adding New Lines 16
                    Copying and Pasting 17
                    Finding and Replacing Text 18
                    Renumbering 20
                    Miscellaneous Commands 21
Chapter4       Macros 25
                    Macro Commands 26
                    Sample Macro File 28
Appendix A     Errors 29
                    Invalid number 30
                    Line overlap 30
                    Line too big 30
                    Out of Memory 31
Appendix B     Configuring the Editor 33
Appendix C     Command Chart 37
Help!          Customer Support Information 41
               Index 43

Chapter 1

Welcome to Program Writer

PROGRAM WRITER runs on any Apple IIe, IIc, IIc+, or IIgs under both ProDOS
and DOS 3.3.


PROGRAM WRITER is a utility program that allows you to quickly and
effortlessly make changes or add new lines to a BASIC program. Changes are
made to the program much like editing a text file with a word processor.
PROGRAM WRITER allows you toquickly scroll to the location in your program
you want to edit. You can also use a mouse for faster cursor control.

With PROGRAM WRITER you can insert, delete, find and replace, renumber,
copy and paste, delete lines, add new lines with automatic line numbering,
insert control characters, split a line in two, list all the variables in
the program, convert to upper/lower case or copy between programs.

The editor is a memory-resident program, hidden from your own BASIC
programs. It is always available for use once it has been installed.
Because the program relocates itself, it should be compatible with most
other machine language utilities you may be using already.

Chapter 2

Installing the Editor

     IMPORTANT: Before using the editor, make a backup copy of the disk.
PROGRAM WRITER is not copy-protected. You can use one of the standard copy
programs such as COPYA, FILER, or SYSTEM UTILITIES to make the backup.


There are 3 versions of the editor on the disk. You will normally use the
one named EDITOR. A second one named EDITOR.SMALL is for use when little
memory is available. Many of the more powerful editing features are not
available with EDITOR.SMALL (see the Command Chart for available commands).

The third version, EDITOR.LC, loads into the "language card" or
bank-switched memory. Use this version when you have very large programs
to edit, or you have several utilities in main memory at the same time.
EDITOR.LC requires only a few bytes of main memory.

Under ProDOS, EDITOR.LC requires at least 128K of memory. It loads into
the auxiliary bank-switched memory. Under DOS 3.3, it may load into main
memory (for a 64K machine) or optionally into auxiliary memory (for a 128K
machine). Use the CONFIGURE program to select which bank of memory the DOS
3.3 version will load into (see page 34). The default version loads into
main memory. Do not load EDITOR.LC into main memory if you are using a DOS
3.3 mover that relocates DOS up into the "language card".

Each version of the editor runs under DOS 3.3 or ProDOS. Both versions are
on the same side of the PROGRAM WRITER disk. When you boot up the disk,
you will automatically be in the ProDOS version.

     IMPORTANT: Be sure to save your program before installing the editor.
If you receive a message telling you to reload your BASIC program, it
means that the editor has loaded in over part of your program and
destroyed it. This only occurs with very long BASIC programs. The editor
initially loads into memory at 16384 (HEX $4000) and then moves itself as
high as it can go in memory.


To use the ProDOS version of the editor, simply boot the disk*** and select
the editor you want from the STARTUP menu. If you have already booted with
another ProDOS disk, you can insert the PROGRAM WRITER disk and enter one
of the following commands from the "]" prompt:


***[Addendum] NOTE
Most of the current distributions have separate disks for the DOS 3.3 and
ProDOS versions. For these, boot the ProDOS version to work under ProDOS.
Boot the DOS 3.3 version disk to work under DOS 3.3. 

DOS 3.3

To use the DOS 3.3 version of the editor, boot the disk and select SWITCH
TO DOS 3.3 from the STARTUP menu***. When the DOS 3.3 menu appears, select
an editor. If you have already booted with another DOS 3.3 disk, you can
insert the PROGRAM WRITER disk and enter one of the following commands
from the "]" prompt:


***[Addendum] NOTE
Most of the current distributions have separate disks for the DOS 3.3 and
ProDOS versions. For these, boot the DOS 3.3 version disk to work under
DOS 3.3. Boot the ProDOS version to work under ProDOS

How to Boot a Disk

Insert the disk to be booted into drive 1 and turn the power on. Another
way is to hold down the OPEN-APPLE key and the CONTROL key together, then
press and release the RESET key.

Chapter 3

Using the Editor

     IMPORTANT: Make it a habit to regularly save your programs on disk.
It's good to have a backup version of the program you can return to.

The Editor

To enter the editor, type 2 ampersands (&&) followed by RETURN. The editor
screen will contain program statements from the beginning of the BASIC
program that is currently in memory. If there is no program in memory, the
editing area will be blank.

The Cursor

Most program editing can be done by placing the cursor on the screen where
you want to make the change (see MOVING THE CURSOR, page 10), and typing
in the corrections to the line. There are two entry modes: replace and
insert. In replace mode, the cursor is a flashing box. Anything you type
will replace the character the cursor is on. In insert mode, the cursor is
a flashing underscore (_). Characters from the keyboard are inserted in
front of the character currently under the cursor. Use the A-E command to
switch modes. See page 13 for more information.

Until the BASIC line is actually entered into the program, it can be
restored to its original state by pressing ESC. Moving the cursor off of
the BASIC line causes that BASIC line to be entered. When this happens,
the line cannot be restored using the ESC key.

Screen Width

The editor works in 40 or 80 column text. The default is the active screen
mode when the editor is entered. You can switch between 40 and 80 columns
with the A-X command (see MISCELLANEOUS COMMANDS, page 22).


The word "line" has two meanings when using the editor. BASIC lines are
lines in a program that start with a line number. Screen lines are any of
the 24 lines of characters that you see on your video screen.

Prompt Line

The bottom line of the screen is the prompt line. The number of free bytes
you have remaining in memory for your program is displayed there. ...
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