kartka - kurczak wielkanocny.pdf
377 KB
Easter Chick
By Hetty King
Materials required:
Approx 50mm square of canvas.
Yellow double knit wool.
Small scrap of orange felt.
Snippets of white and black card for eyes.
Approx 80mm square Constellation card.
PVA glue.
Cut the Constellation card to resemble a
cracked egg. Curve the card and glue into
the aperture in such a way that it bulges in
the aperture. Cut some small pieces of the
constellation card to make the bits of shell,
curve and glue to the face of the card.
yyyyy yyyyy
;;;;; ;;;;;
@@@@@ @@@@@
@@@@@ @@@@@
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yyyyy yyyyy
@@@@@ @@@@@
;;;;; ;;;;;
yyyyy yyyyy
@@@@@ @@@@@
;;;;; ;;;;;
yyyyy yyyyy
@@@@@ @@@@@
;;;;; ;;;;;
yyyyy yyyyy
@@@@ @@@@
;;;; ;;;;
yyyy yyyy
@@@@ @@@@
;;;; ;;;;
yyyy yyyy
@@@@ @@@@
;;;; ;;;;
yyyy yyyy
@@@@ @@@@
;;;; ;;;;
yyyy yyyy
4 321
To make the chick:
A - Take the needle in at 1 and out at 2.
B - Take the needle back in at 1, making a
loop over your finger, and back out at 2.
C - Take the needle in at 1 again, without
making a loop this time, and back out at 3.
D - Take the needle in at 2, making a loop
over your finger, and back out at 3.
E - Take needle in at 2 again, without
making a loop, and back out at 4.
F - Continue working this way, stitching to
the chart shown.
Do not worry about how even your loops are
as they will be trimmed at a later stage.
Once all the stitches have been completed,
trim the canvas to leave one thread of
canvas showing all around. Trim the loops
to make chick even. Glue chick onto card so
that it sits in the shell nicely. Cut a small
diamond of orange felt to make the beak.
Fold one half inside the shell and glue into
position. Cut and glue eyes into place. Glue
the card shut and your chick is finished!.
Hints & Tips
When you have completed a cross stitch
design on Aida, iron the fabric as this
makes it beautifully stiff and easy to
mount in a card
Karen Petrie, Cheshunt.
To avoid marking your cards when using
PVA glue, make sure you
layer of glue on.
Linda Wells, Enfield.
We hope you enjoy this free article taken from a back issue of the
Craft Creations Magazine. You may hand make copies of the card(s)
featured in this project, to give away or sell, as many times as you
like. You may not use the project, text, pattern or pictures for any
other purpose nor make the project using any automated process.
All the free articles available for download on our web site are at
least one year old. If you want the latest projects, designer profiles,
gallery pages and more, then you need to subscribe to the quarterly
Craft Creations Magazine.
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* All Craft Creations Magazine subscribers will receive an additional 10% discount off their
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Craft Creations Limited
Ingersoll House, Delamare Road, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, EN8 9HD, England.
Tel: 01992 781900 Fax: 01992 634339
The details above are correct as of 1st April 2007, but are subject to change without prior notice.
Plik z chomika:
Inne pliki z tego folderu:
kartka - w kosmosie.pdf
(521 KB)
kartka - 3d bukiety.pdf
(338 KB)
kartki z ważką.pdf
(174 KB)
kartki - małe stópki.pdf
(337 KB)
kartki - drzewka.pdf
(486 KB)
Inne foldery tego chomika:
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